Failure to thrive or coccidiosis??? *pics included*


Jul 12, 2016
Mebane, NC
I have a 2 week old bantam EE being raised in an indoor brooder with 17 other standard and bantam breeds everyone looked great and was growing splendid until a couple days ago I noticed my gold EE bantam looking sleepy all day, not running around in her normal fashion and suddenly I realized how much bigger her sister was. I started watching her and to my disappointment she spent the day barely eating or drinking and sleeping right under the heat lamp or hidden under the comfort heater sleeping. I have not seen any cocci type poos from her (or many at all for that matter) but some of the others have had a couple of questionable poos... Runny, slimy, kinda froathy? I don't know if it's normal or a possible outbreak. Some say that the bone under the breast will become sharp and poke out... Well now I'm freaked cause they all seem to have that issue!!
Loosing any of my girls will be heartbreaking but if it's cocci I want to know and I want to do something asap! Please help! I've included pics.


One of my "healthy" girls mystery poos... Runny, slimy, bubbly?

My sick girl at the top and her protective (and much bigger) sister below


Big sis keeping an eye out...


Sick lil' girlie


Her most recent poo (seems wet but normal?)


My sick girl on the right and her sister on the left for size comparison.
Cocci can cause weakness/lethargy, not eating, diarrhea with mucous or blood, balance issues and a puffed up appearance. Treatment is Corid in the water for 5-7days.
If the poo is slimy it may be mucous you are seeing. Corid is gentle and won't hurt them, even if Cocci ends up not being the problem. IMO I would treat all the chicks.

Corid dosage for Cocci is 1 1/2 teaspoons Corid powder per gallon or 2 teaspoons of 9.6% Corid liquid per gallon
Give for 5-7 days - make sure this is the ONLY water available during that time period. Mix a fresh batch at least once a day.

After they finish treatment offer some poultry vitamins and probiotics/plain yogurt.

If she won't drink, then you may have to give her some Corid water directly. Use an eye dropper or syringe and drop some of the water on the side of her beak, they will usually take it in. It's important to get some into her to see if she improves.
Thanks for the info.
That's what I'll do. Better safe than sorry!!
While I wait for the corid to arrive I've been giving them nutri-drench. I hope it keeps them all perky and healthy in the meantime.
Thanks again Wyorp Rock! :D
Thanks for the info.
That's what I'll do. Better safe than sorry!!
While I wait for the corid to arrive I've been giving them nutri-drench. I hope it keeps them all perky and healthy in the meantime.
Thanks again Wyorp Rock!

No Problem

Nutri-Drench is a good product to keep on hand.
Hopefully a little TLC is all she needs.

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