Falling Down Heights, my daily life

Hopefully, I'll have some before that, too. ;) Eggs in the incubator are due on the 27th March. These are barnyard mixes though, although some of those eggs are really big and dark. Almost as dark as Marans eggs!

So far, my new incubator is keeping temp. My fingers are crossed that nothing goes bad! AND, I have another incubator coming this week. Haven't decided what I'm putting in it, yet. It may just be on standby for when needed.

Glad to hear the new incubator is working so well! Hopefully the BYMs have a good hatch rate! First hatch of the year?
Glad to hear the new incubator is working so well! Hopefully the BYMs have a good hatch rate! First hatch of the year?
Yes. These were cheap (cheep?) eggs, just to test this thing out. Might candle tonight. Got myself a new flashlight that is super bright, as well as finally shelled out for a good digital thermometre/hygrometre. This thing is made for terrariums, but it also says incubators on the description. It's the type with the two probes, so I can move it around to check for hot/cold spots.
Yes. These were cheap (cheep?) eggs, just to test this thing out. Might candle tonight. Got myself a new flashlight that is super bright, as well as finally shelled out for a good digital thermometre/hygrometre. This thing is made for terrariums, but it also says incubators on the description. It's the type with the two probes, so I can move it around to check for hot/cold spots.

Hopefully most, if not all are fertilized. Be careful with the flashlight, don't have it pointing in the wrong direction, blinding you in the process. Speaking from personal experience🤣
WOOOO! Just did a quick candle of the eggs, and it looks like 23/24 developing, with one possible blood ring. Not a bad ratio!

Still haven't decided what to do with all these chicks, whether keep/process them, or sell... 🤔

Hopefully they all make it! Could be all the above? Keep some that you like/produce, sell some, buther some for meat
Hopefully they all make it! Could be all the above? Keep some that you like/produce, sell some, buther some for meat
Most probably, yes. I was thinking of selling some of the adult chickens from last year since I'm cutting down on my bym to focus more on pures.

My banties are in high gear so far as laying goes. Been checking, but no fertile eggs yet. Not surprising, their silkie boy hasn't been with them that long yet, barely over a week.

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