Farm chatter

Sorry I haven’t been on yesterday. My horse bucked my off and I had to get surgery in my arm. I’m In the hospital now.
Oh my gosh I’m sorry! What happened? Did (s)he spook, or did something else happen? That’s awful. I’ve been bucked plenty of times, but only fallen off once. i was on a horse once who bucked me 8 times while riding him! It was the only time I fell off, but I hit my leg on his saddle and hurt it. He made it clear we weren’t meant for each other 😉 (although to be fair, it was his first trail ride)

I hope you’re alright that’s really awful!
I was bareback and got bucked off. I got a broke bone which also dislocated my elbow. It went through my muscle out the other side of my arm. I got surgery and stitches because the bone stuck out of the arm. I am doing okay now. I am guessing that she spooked. I don’t get a cast until 3 weeks abacuses of stitches and risk of infection so I have a splint.
I was bareback and got bucked off. I got a broke bone which also dislocated my elbow. It went through my muscle out the other side of my arm. I got surgery and stitches because the bone stuck out of the arm. I am doing okay now. I am guessing that she spooked. I don’t get a cast until 3 weeks abacuses of stitches and risk of infection so I have a splint.
Wow! You're tough!
Get better soon!!

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