Farmer wants a wife

I realize that you think you're being funny with this and your other comment...

...but honey, if that is your attitude to people who do very hard work for long long hours, some of it exhausting manual labor, much of it out in the sun and weather; and who generally have neither the time, the surplus cash, nor in many cases the inclination to spend it on 'city' hair and spiff clothing and (in the case of women) up to date makeup...

...then you're going to be real miserable real quick moving into a rural area, as you're doing. Unless you learn to at least FAKE a sincere respect for your neighbors, and make them THINK that you're not judging them by how well they fit your stereotypes.

It's a bad, bad idea to openly despise the people who, some day soon, you're going to need to be asking to pull your car out of a ditch, help fix the barn eavestroughs, or special-order you something at the feedstore.


That chick he took to meet his parents has it in the bag. You know, the dark haired one that did the waltz with him last night? i can't think of her name. Anyway, i think he's a bit of a stick in the mud. it's hard to tell if he has a personality or not. he is awful cute though!
And I would be very disappointed to have a date show up in jeans with holes in them all the time!
On the farm I grew up on, they don't wear clothes that have all those loose threads hanging out, they could lose a leg or worse if that got caught in a piece of machinery.

LOL! My husband only has one pair (his nice jeans) that has no holes. They have holes because of all the hard work he does and because they do get caught in machinery. In fact this morning he asked me to order 5 more pairs for him.....the others are getting real bad.

I was never disappointed in his holey jeans when we started dating because I was happy they were clean! LOL! Where I live there are cowboys that walk around w/ mud & manure all over their boots & jeans, or covered head to toe in dust & dirt. They will go out to restaurants like this! It is funny!​
After reading this thread I just had to go and watch all the episodes. I have to say that for a dating show, they actually keep it pretty clean and I appreciate Matt's statement that he would rather wait for marriage. That means that hopefully he won't be sleeping with or other inappropriate things with every one of the final girls.

d.k :

* I agree, but at the same time, told DH that, tradgically(sp) we've seen city cheerleading competitions with some of the same moves!!! Tough for the pot to call the kettle black when I grew up with the likes of mtv, "dirty dancing", "If you think I'm sexy", "flashdance", and madonna-- just to name a few. . . . .Look at what this bunch of "kids" have grow up with!!!

I agree with this statement... I do think that Lisa dresses inappropriate and thought her dancing was quite inappropriate, she seems to like a lot of attention, but I think we should give Brooke the benefit of the doubt. She reminds me of myself at like 18... I think she is looking to settle down and grow up and I think she has the determination and committment to be a farmers wife. I also think that she is probably TRYING to live a Christian life ... at that young age in this crazy world it is hard to filter the rest of society through a Christian point of view and learning to do that takes years... She just needs to grow up and I think that getting married and living on a farm might benefit her.
JMO Also I think that the girls that are accusing her and Lisa of being fake are the ones that are different when in the house, Matt doesn't know that they get drunk and make fools of themselves every night, and that they talk dirtier than anyone I have every been around, but when with him they are all sweet and proper.

I wanted to add that Matt must be just a little naive about these city girls, he probably has no idea what kind of girls he's got there. It would be quite a surprise to choose someone because you think they are sweet and charming and find out that they have as bad a mouth as some of these girls.​
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Those shows drive me nuts,, they want the girls to act as stupid and clueless as possible. I'd like to see Farmer wants a husband and see what kind of men they would come up with,,,,, fashion models?
Yeh, I watch it for entertainment purposes as well, it's addicting to watch. But, mostly I end up wanting to
those girls! I'm with you though. I think everytime I see it, why would you go on reality tv looking for a man - how many reality shows that are specifically for dating/marriage work out? You just never know who wants be on tv, versus who can be there for you. Oh, don't get me going on them ...
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I have to agree that she might be the only semi normal gal out of the bunch! She does have it in the bag!
I like this show...but the problem that I have with it is that they pick girls that are completely clueless. I grew up a city girl, but I don't have an aversion to dirt and grime, so outrageous that doing anything remotely dirty makes me cringe...nor has it ever. I have to wonder..I think that they are told to act a certain way. At least I hope so. I think it is embarrassing to women everywhere that they act so prissy and like they have no clue about anything. PLEASE tell me that they arent really like this in real life!!
* LoL!-- I worked with a girl one time locally who took 3 WEEKS to get over her aversion to sticking her manicured hands into bleach water to wet a cloth to wipe tables in the shop!!! THEY EXIST--BELIEVE IT!!!

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