Fast Action Pigeon Purchase!

Sir Birdaholic

Night Knight
10 Years
Nov 6, 2009
Greers Ferry Lake,Arkansas
Thursday, I was pondering on the idea of having pure white Homing Pigeons. Friday, I looked on the internet & just about everyone was sold out. Today, I saw on Craigslist, some for sale in northern Arkansas. I am now the proud owner of 11 pair of white breeders. They are gorgeous. DW went to a wedding tonight, so I'll have her post pics tomorrow.
Are they prisoners or are they young enough to let out?
Most are prisoners, but I picked out 6 that are pretty young, but still old enough to breed. I'm going to breed them till next spring, & then sell the older ones. They will look GOOD flying with my colored ones!
Well, Bird, you surely needed more feathers on your place.
I have several nearly white grizzles flying in my primarily black/bwf flock. It does make for a neat contrast when in flight.
That's a nice looking flock of pigeons you got there! I've always loved how showy the self whites are.

My Self white Komorners were something else.
Are you planning on using them for wedding release.?

Not all white homer are good for that, good line of white racer are the best for that, and should be train out to 150 miles.

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