Faverolles are losing their beards


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 10, 2010
4 of my 10 salmon faverolle hens have either lost or are in the process of losing their beards. One of them has no feathers from her beak all the way down her neck. The girls are about 10 months old, and are laying pretty well; 5 - 6 eggs a day. No signs of mites or lice. Over the winter I would notice that their beards would sometimes be wet from the waterer. Could this be the cause or does this just happen to SF's as they get older? This is my first time with this breed. Any thoughts?
My first thought is that there is some feather picking going on, especially if there are beardless girls in the group. As I once read, do they get wet/sticky snacks that would cling to their feathers. If so it could be a matter of friendly face cleaning. Happens with EEs all the time, particularly in the summer when it is melon time.

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