Faverolles Thread

Not sure if I remember correctly the red were a product of trying to get buff bantams using salmons so there were some salmons caring buff and Dick gave them to a friend who bred them and they are the ones that produce red salmon. I have the recipe for buffs in my email I will go look it up now.
That would be cool.

I'll let you know!

I also want to see what he's hatched out for lavender project chicks.
Now that I'm not sure of, buff is a difficult color.

I can ask Dick tomorrow if there's a way to get buff from them. They are related I'm just not sure how.
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Now that I'm not sure of, buff is a difficult color.

Here we go this is a buff bantam recipe I got from Dick a while back when I was thinking back to when there were Buff LF and wanted to remake them eventually. I bolded what I thought might be most related to "red salmons" are they at all the same as Mahogany?
"Buff bantam:
buff orp bantam male x salmon hen
all you need to keep is one male from this cross and 9 out of 10 this male will be mostly white.
Take this male and breed him to a bunch of salmon hens.
All your going to keep are the light colored pullets discard the males.
Next cross would be salmon male on light colored pullets; hatch a lot
All you will keep is the light colored males and females with the best beard and best toes. ( here is where a few mahoganies should pop.)
Next you will breed brother to sister, you should just about be there with this matting.
You will go through a lot of culls. Some salmons will come out of this but don't keep them. You will screw up your salmon line."
Now that I'm not sure of, buff is a difficult color.

I can ask Dick tomorrow if there's a way to get buff from them. They are related I'm just not sure how.

We need to make a list of question and take notes
Where did he even find a buff orp bantam roo??

But it also sounds like you need the light offspring, and not the reds?
Where did he even find a buff orp bantam roo??

But it also sounds like you need the light offspring, and not the reds?

Ya I guess so I think that is why he discarded the reds and gave them to Ed and they got mixed into the salmon line I could be wrong though. Ha ha I have heard to many stories and gotten to much information I am always worried I am going to combine them. I have to just act like a sponge tomorrow.
Lavenders have a really weird feather quality. Its almost like the fray gene and the lavender gene are some how linked. Cindy you can see this with the Lav D'uccles cockerels I brought up they have weird feathers. I think that is what makes it such a hard color wish there were lav orp bantams that would have made getting the type into favs now we have to contend with the vulture hocks.

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