Faverolles Thread

It sounds like your having a great time Dick.
We had some snow a week or two ago, but it didn't last long. The entire yard was an ice skating rink for a week though. My sympathies to anyone who lives with so much snow, It's bad enough to take off the driveway, much less coops, pens, and digging chickens out of it!

I came back from the PPBA Show (In Stockton ) a couple days ago. Sadly I didn't get a lot of photos of the Faverolles, it was my first big show and I was rushing around too much, but I did get photos of the two that were on 'Champion Row'. Both Best and Reserve Continental were won by a pair of Faverolles. The Rooster (Champion) was from Tamsen/Karen Polley, and I think the the hen (Reserve Champion)was from Bridget Riddle (??). There were quite a few hens and pullets, probably 7+ and something like 6 roosters and cockerels. There were 3 bantam hens (all from Thode I think) and my one bantam rooster (from Thode lines). My LF cockerel got 3rd, my pullet 5th, hen 5th, and my bantam rooster took 1st and Reserve breed. I was rather proud of my birds, considering I'm still very new to Faverolles and this cockerel is my first bird I hatched. I really liked that all the judges I saw at this show were carrying the APA standard book with them. :)

I'm not sure who else was there, but the birds were impressive.

Here are some photos. C:



My birds,


Sorry, no good pictures of the hens. They wouldn't stay put for the photos.

I hope everyone else who went had fun, I did.

After quite a bit of thought I decided there is no other way I can do this;Sadly, I have to sell the favs I have (and likely many of the Dorkings too) since I will be moving to VA next month and living in a hotel for awhile.

The pics are a little old by now and I'm afraid that by the time I get home in the evening it's too dark to get decent pics; but the birds have filled out a little more since summer.

If anyone is interested in the 4 White hens and one white rooster (I also have one salmon hen as well) then please let me know ASAP. I prefer someone pick them up or meet me somewhere near KY/OH/IN area borders (driving from Louisville area) Somewhere on I-65 southward may also be possible. I would like these to go to a good faverolle home, which is why I posted here first.

If you would like to see the pics I have, please click on my BYC page, then on the top, I misspelled faverolls- click on that link. The pic shows them a little lighter in color than they actually are, but they are kind and gentle birds.

Bridgette told me that Karen bought that roo from her.

A lot of the hens had butterscotch beards... I thought at first it was the light. I love Bridgette's hens, nice even color & white beards.
Congrats on your Bantam wins
I have a stupid question about Faverolles colors. I hatched six "SF" eggs and got three pullets and three cockerels. The girls were "salmon" and the boys were darker, but more... blueish than black. Would that still make them Salmon Faverolles? They're about.... 14, 15 weeks old now.

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