Faverolles Thread

Well that's a little ironic. LOL
Isn't it!? LOL.....Who woulda thunk it?

Thanks to everybody for contributing - I had no idea the hen was the determining factor.....Well, well. I guess I don't have to worry about having a bunch of boys. This year almost everything that hatched was a pullet. Out of 12 chicks only 3 were cockerels.
I am trying not to hate.
My hens seem to lean towards boys. I only hatched two pullets and eleven cockerels this year. At least I have some nice boys. Plenty to choose from. Lol.
You realize we all get to hate you now, right?
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to gloat! LOL
And, most of them are not perfect, they have slight imperfections....Well, next year I'll have some girls to share with others - and maybe I could ship out a few eggs too! Would that make things better?

I really didn't hatch too much this year. I just felt like my pens were getting crowded, even though everybody seemed to be alright..... I even sold 2 hatchery girls and 2 olive egger pullets I raised......

It would be nice to have a few boys to choose from! Slim pickings this season, plus I lost one of my big roos - the mean one! He was slated for the freezer, but died before I could get him processed. I noticed he had started molting and wasn't feeling very well, but after being out of town over night I came home and he was no more.....hmmm

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