Faverolles Thread

Yes I put apple cider vinegar in their water probably once a fortnight and I also put a garlic clove in the water around once a week. I'll get her in the bath next weekend.

On another note, so Faverolles dust bath? It's all my sussex seem to do but 2 months down the line my faverolles haven't done it once? Is this typical of the breed or just mine?

Mine do. They love it.

This is my two year old holding our favorite girl, Flory. She is so sweet and gentle and funny. We just love her.
Hey fellow Faverolle lovers. I got this eggs today and at first I thought it was from one of my Faverolles but then I started getting my doubts. Its either I Faverolle or a Barred Plymouth Rock egg, What do you all think?

Sorry, it's probably hard to tell with the bad lighting.


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