Faverolles Thread


Thought I would share a few pics of my ladies
New to Favs & love 'em! Quick question: One of my LF pullets has a solid (light) colored beard, but the other one has black flecks in it. Is that ok SOP-wise? Same with the cockerels... I have some with solid hackles, and some that have black lacing(?) in them. Will it change as they molt and mature?

New to Favs & love 'em! Quick question: One of my LF pullets has a solid (light) colored beard, but the other one has black flecks in it. Is that ok SOP-wise? Same with the cockerels... I have some with solid hackles, and some that have black lacing(?) in them. Will it change as they molt and mature?

Great face!

The black flecks are acceptable to a point, although not really desirable for the show floor. Those girls, bred to a dark male, will produce more dark males. I have a male that is good for producing good females, as he has a lot of white in his beard, and a few specks on his chest. This did change as he got older - when he was younger he was much darker. The males change so much in the first year, so don't make any definite decisions just yet. Type is the ultimate goal. Remember, you have to build the barn before you paint it!

Gonna check out your blog - LOVE the Adirondacks! Been to the Rustic Furniture Fair two years in a row now, in Blue Mountain Lake. Every time we go, I dream of living there.
I know Middletown. :) I lived across the bay in Queens for many years and would often go visit my BFF near Cliffwood Beach.

Thanks for the tips. I hatched out 2 pullets (from shipped eggs) this year, so they get to stay regardless, but I have nine cockerels to choose from for mates for them. They're only 11 weeks old now, so I will definitely let them grow out a few more months before narrowing the field.
Chicks are here! Two hatched yesterday, one today and one is still coming. Slowly but coming! Very exciting and lovely to see this progress. They already eat and they are very lively! Now I just hope that there is at least one pullet!
Hello, finally moved the last of the wee incubated chicks outside…They weren't ready but had a small pen that i had to put a mother and her 2 chicks in ( chicks kept going through the regular fence and the cats just waited for them)…Am so proud of the mother hen, she now has about 12 chicks under her, loving them all…
Last one has come! Phuuh, what a trip this was! S/he is very tired but looks ok. I put four eggs in incubator three weeks ago and now they are all here! Amazing!

Mr. Fancy Pants...we got him yesterday. I only paid $8 for him. He is king of the flock for sure. So very sweet too, he fell asleep in my arms yesterday when I was carrying him around the farmers market.

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