Faverolles Thread

I guess I should say that I am willing to travel to some degree to get good birds. MA VT, or PA and not out of the question.
There is the Poultry Congress, over MLK day weekend at Springfield MA. Unfortunately I have no idea how many will be showing there that weekend. I won't be showing though it's possible I will go to look around.

Dick Boulanger generally tries to stop by that show. He's a long time breeder located in southern MA near the RI/CT border. He doesn't bother with NPIP either though.
Mine are, they do end up on the bottom of the pecking order in a mixed flock, mine come to me for extra treats, and I'm in Wisconsin, so brutal winters, I actually have found almost every breed is cold hardy.
The vast majority of the ones I have had have been docile. They do not mind the cold at all. Hot weather is a different story.

I took some pictures of my flock last week. I have the pens sorted now, but I figured I would share some pictures!

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