Faverolles Thread

I would love to fill my day with all of the thing your juggling that's probably what I will be up to in 6 years ha ha . My dream is to farm! I can't promise anything but I am very interested. My parents will be maintaining the bantam flock but depending on what college I go to I may bring a flock of LF along with me. I will let you know when I have it all organized.
I have to say if I had my choice at the beginig of this fall and thought I wanted to get into faverolles I would have gotten LF its hard for me not to think about selling the bantams and keeping just LF. Hmm now I am thinking about using the tractors for the bantams and large coop for a flock of LF whites we will see let me know when your pens are setup.

What is your intended major? Perhaps if it is something farm related you might consider TAMU. My youngest, Robert, is there. It is a wonderful school with many opertunities in Ag. I am always amazed when I visit College Station at the way everyone is so polite and friendly. People will stop to help if you look lost. There is really very little crime and everyone appears to get along famously. Housing is pleniful and not expensive.

Of course it is very hard to be so far away from home for a young person. My boys all chose colleges closer to home to help ease their way and so that they could/can come back to help with major projects here since we are not able to do everything alone.

Where ever you go I am sure you will do very well. And soon you will have a farm of your own!

I am looking at small schools with farms but I am leaning toward enviromental studies at University of VT ag School I have to admit I am a northern boy. Being away from home isn't to big of an issue I spend my summers away and went to the mountain school in VT junior year. The rest of my schools are mostly small liberal arts colleges.
I can't wait to start working full time on farms even if I nmajor in something else and not ag I will defently be farming when I get out of school.
I am also considering majoring in dairy science because I want to make cheese and really don't want to farm without dairy like a lot of people do.
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Well, if it's no trouble, I'd love to see more pictures. I may see if I can purchase blue salmon eggs off of you in a couple of months once I get back from this deployment. Would you mind telling me where you got your start in blue salmons from? I only know of a few people that have them and I'm trying to get different lines if possible.

Do blues "pop" up from regular breeding stock? I have a chick that looks very gray compared to the others. Oh, and my little roo is due to arrive today... and now it looks like a couple of my older chicks maybe roos. There is such variety in the batch that I have, it was hard to tell. I went ahead and requested another roo because there was another order being placed, it would have been my only chance to get a roo. Oh well, guess I'll have plenty of them to choose from!

Lastnight, the chicks were really restless and acting crazy, jumping on eachother etc.. I figured the current brooder was getting too small, so I converted the dog's tub into a big brooder. They have more room now to run or just hang out.
I don't think blue salmon would pop out of a salmon salmon breeding. Also blue salmon chicks are identical just the black area in the wings is replaced by blue. I don't think any hatcheries would have blue salmons they are still not that common in LF. Well that's good that you have a few boys to choose from. Its hard to sex them until they are two-four weeks.glad you are enjoying your chicks.

I culled two chicks today
one of the bantams had trouble hatching and I helped him out and it turned out its feet were deforemed not curled but missing some toes. One of the LF was off to a ruff start he hatched on his own but weakned even though I showed him how to eat and drink. Its hard but I think its defently a nesecary step.

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