Faverolles Thread

Does he have diluted buff or something in the hackles?

Not sure I will have to show you a picture of him. I don't think he is diluted buff. If he does should I not use him and wait for one of my cockerels to get to breeding age?
Here are a couple of pullets born 3/18/10, incubated from Henry's eggs (old Pen #1); they are 6+ wks old. When born, they had extreme fluffy cheeks & beards; so waiting for their new feathers on cheeks & beards to grow out all the way. The others in the hatch are roos, good looking also. I'm very pleased with these pullets, thanks Henry.

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I have horrible, horrible news....both Rupert and Camelia died this week, within a day of each other...I really think that the Ameraucanas weren't letting them eat...I feel horrible that I obviously didn't handle them enough to notice how thin they were! I found Camelia dead in the pen Friday evening, and assumed that one of the Ameraucanas had attacked her, she did have a couple of peck marks around her head & neck, but there wasn't any blood, so they probably happened after she was dead. Then I saw Rupert looking lethargic yesterday morning when I went out, and brought him inside, and syringed him Polyvisol, water, and baby food, but he would barely swallow, and when I went to feed him again later, he was dead. I'm sending them both for necropsy just in case, but it was just them, the most docile two, no one else is having issues. I'm heartbroken over my sweet Rupert! He had some big shoes to fill, and now I don't know what I'm going to do...

And, to top it off, the night before, I sold the only LF cockerel that I knew of in the younger batch from Melissa! There is one that is suspiciously dark, but I'm not sure yet...
Oh I am so sorry you lost them. That is so sad I hope that you can find another LF boy in that group or another one somewhere.
Cloverleaf - I have an "extra" LF Salmon Faverolles cockerel that I would let you have if you want him. He is from Melissa's flock, hatched 11 weeks ago. I have 4 cockerels from her eggs, 2 Whites and 2 Salmons. I am keeping the Whites and one of the Salmons has a fused 4th and 5th toe so you probably wouldn't want him. I'll email you pics of the best looking Salmon (or both of them) if you are interested. I've been trying to find someone who needs him as he's too nice to send to freezer camp. I have never shipped live birds before and I'm in KY but I would do it if you will pay the shipping. Just email me and let me know if you are interested.
Hello everyone I am new to this group and to having chickens as well. I fell in love with the favs by pic and info I read alone. I have 5 white marans and decided I need more chickens.
I also got adventurous and built an incubator and bought 12 standard salmon faverolle eggs on line. When they came in the mail there was 16 eggs so I felt lucky!
hatch day came and I ended up with 2 fav roos, one pullet and two black jersey giants!
I love those little crazy birds they are now 3 weeks old and looking a bit odd with the "big" chicken feathers coming in. I look forward to this group!
Hi there,

Does anyone have any Bantam Salmon Faverolle chicks for sale near Portland, Oregon? I'm new and don't think I'd be good at hatching eggs.

Appreciate your help.
Thanks all!

Cloverleaf....So sorry to hear about Rupert and Camelia.
Cloverleaf - I have an "extra" LF Salmon Faverolles cockerel that I would let you have if you want him. He is from Melissa's flock, hatched 11 weeks ago. I have 4 cockerels from her eggs, 2 Whites and 2 Salmons. I am keeping the Whites and one of the Salmons has a fused 4th and 5th toe so you probably wouldn't want him. I'll email you pics of the best looking Salmon (or both of them) if you are interested. I've been trying to find someone who needs him as he's too nice to send to freezer camp. I have never shipped live birds before and I'm in KY but I would do it if you will pay the shipping. Just email me and let me know if you are interested.

Oh, I'd love to see him!! Thanks!

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