Faverolles Thread

Here is a pic of my Faverolle. Is he a cockerel? He needs a home too.

Face shot.

These pics are about 3 weeks old, but my camera is dead. He has a very red comb and I can see wattles. Oh, and you cant see it in the pic, but his beard is starting to turn black. He is a little less than 2 months in this pic. My Orpington doesn't have a comb or wattles like that...
That looks like a hatchery pullet.
I just want to say one thing to all the newcomers on here, talking about hatching eggs vs hatchery birds, etc...

It is true that hatchery birds in ANY breed are going to be of lesser quality than birds from a private breeder, but it seems that the differences are MUCH more noticeable in the Faverolles than other breeds. And I don't only mean color. Size is a HUGE problem in hatchery Favs, as well as temperament.

- The Hatchery birds are too big or too small?
- Temperament differences?

I have 2 from Ideal. Not showing or breeding, just wanting interesting breeds and eggs. At the moment (7 weeks), the EEs are the biggest with the Anconas, Astralorps and Favs not much smaller. Of course, the Favs are pretty fluffy so they may not be as big as they look. I once had an Angora cat that looked pretty big until bath time. Then she was about the size of a large rat.
Thanks for the inquiry.....My LF Blue Salmon originated from Pasofino and are not yet old enough, but maybe checking with her or Jeanine? Not breeding bantams til later fall, eliz
Quote: I will say this, I am new to Favs and I got mine from Jeanine. She has her first Fav that she got from a hatchery a long time ago. She keeps him because he is a sweet boy, but small. I saw him compared to the boy she is using for her breeding program. The young one was HUGE!! I have a 18 week old cockerel that is at least twice the size as a few of my larger, full grown hens. I think I may need to eventually make myu coop door bigger! Lol! She breeds for size and type, and there is a BIG difference.

I will also say that those two boys were looking at each other through the fence and really didn't even react much. No fighting attitudes, just checking each other out with a keen eye.

I am so happy with these birds! I am planning on replacing all of my layers, as I lose some(due to natural causes) with Favs.

Enjoy your Favs hatchery or not. They are probably great birds with wonderful temperments. If you want to breed, I would get some from a breeder to start.
I am not looking to be a breeder, but I want to be able to replenish my own flocks and if I have a few friends that want hatching eggs, I can hopefully give them eggs from higher quality stock. That is why I got mine from Jeanine.

Jeanine: I will take some pics today. You should see the pair now at 18 weeks! Gorgeous! I am still waiting for Romeo to crow. Yes, I named them Romeo and Juliette.
I am assuming that this breed can take longer to mature. Correct?
It's ok with me, just hoping he is doing his duty by next spring weather or not he crows!

I recently read that Salmon Faverolles are great in temperment EXCEPT in mixed flock. I was told that SFAVS can be aggressive toward other breeds and I am a little concerned that my Silver Grey Dorkings may not do well if this is so. They are growing up together if that helps they are about 5 days old.
My Fav is in a flock full of all different breeds and she is on top (for now). However, the rest if my breeds are either docile, or bantams. She does appear to be one of the rulers though.
BTW it's not the Favs that are aggressive. The Favs are the ones that get bullied. Other breeds are aggressive to them. You have it the other way around. I don't know much about Dorkings, but I don't think you would have a big problem.

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