Favorite Breeds?


Feb 7, 2016
We're getting chicks! What is your favorite breed(s) of chicken? I am wanting a silkie and an ameraucana for sure. Which breeds are the friendliest?
I want silkies - it is on my list for next year! I have ameraucanas, and they are very friendly. I think the friendliest that I've ever had was my buff orpington and New Hampshire Reds. The orpington was too broody for our South Texas heat, but she was such a joy - she required that I carry her around the run anytime I came in to feed.
I LOVE my Silkies and Sizzles, by far my favorites (shh, don't tell my other breeds). I've also got Easter Eggers, Olive Eggers and black Copper Marans, they're pretty awesome too :)
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We're getting chicks! What is your favorite breed(s) of chicken? I am wanting a silkie and an ameraucana for sure. Which breeds are the friendliest?

I love Silkies!Great friendly breed♡♡♡ this year I'm getting 7 Barred Rocks females they are supposed to be a docil breed, thats important with Silkies who are docile as well. The Barred Rock is a great layer of large brown eggs and they are smart.
Our Silkies and EE and Ameraucana looking Olive Egger are the friendliest. Crested Cream Legbar are a bit flighty by comparison. Delaware is confident enough to approach us but it seems like confidence not friendliness.
I LOVE silkies, they are so friendly and docile! I also have black sex links, light brahmas, easter eggers, barred rock, rhode island red, and a serama
I also want some polish and orpingtons
I have very limited experience, but so far my Dominiques are the most outgoing, curious, and friendly of all my chicks.
For comparison, I also have Buff Orpingtons, New Hampshire Reds, Golden Buffs, White Plymouth Rocks, and one lonely Barred Rock.

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