Feather-Footed Pullet (I Think) - Boy or Girl? **UPDATE, 4-5 Months**


11 Years
Jan 12, 2009
(1/26/11 - Scroll down lower in this first post to see pictures of Speedy at around five months. Whaddya think? Pullet or cockerel?)

(11/17/10) Friends gave us this pretty little girl, saying she was "7 or 8 weeks." We have no idea what breed(s) she is. (Also, I'm assuming she's a girl, but should I have any reason to suspect otherwise?) Pics aren't so great, but I think you get the general idea. Thanks for any help!





(1/26/11) Speedy is now 4-5 months old. I really think she's a Lt. Brahma mix of some sort, and a pullet. But I'm still not 100% confident. The consensus a couple of months ago was that Speedy is a cockerel; what do you think now?


See below - Speedy (on the left) has a smaller and paler comb than Mr. Hawk, the Easter Egger cockerel on the right (who is perhaps 4 weeks older):



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possibly a silver laced cochin mix. I would guess mix just because the colors are running together and she does not have a lot of feathers on her feet. I have some pics of SL cochins on my website if you want to look for reference.
shoot. i was hoping he was a she. i'm still really bad at sexing when they're this age. tell me how you know?
He is starting to get his pointed saddle feathers and his comb is already pretty bright red. When they are that age some breeds can be a little tough but yours has enough male features to know that you have a roo.
okay, so we have silver-laced cochin mix and light brahma as options. any other breeds? i think (s)he's probably a mix, myself.

his/her comb is a lot smaller than i'd expect from a male of that age, but i know some chickens develop later. the tail feathers aren't very male to me, either. but y'all are probably right and i'm just hoping.

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