Feather loss?! Almost winter!


Apr 22, 2018
Northern California
I’m worried about one of my black stars I noticed last week a lot of black feathers around the yard and thought I’d lost one to a predator but they were all accounted for. So after inspecting all the black chickens I found the culprit. I don’t know if it’s bullying or what I don’t think it’s he right time for molting right before winter. Is there some kind of deficiency she’s not balding anywhere but when I tugged gently on a feather near her leg it popped right off with no resistance now I noticed some tail feathers are missing. What is going on?
It very likely IS molt. Birds can molt even in the dead of winter, it happens when their body says so, and is usually triggered by less hours of daylight. Check for any pin feathers coming in, usually most obvious around the head/neck, vent and under wings.
Handle her gently, new feathers growing can be uncomfortable for them and they generally don't like to be touched much.
I don’t get it either!
Why does Mother Nature
Design it that they Molt right at the same time temperatures are plummeting???
It is what it is...
I just don’t get it. :he
I believe it may be so that they can rid themselves of external parasites before the winter sets in and perhaps dust bathing opportunities are more limited (frozen ground/snow etc) Whilst it may be a bit uncomfortable to have bald patches when the weather is getting colder is more likely to kill the lice than the bird and the feathers grow back pretty quickly.
I believe it may be so that they can rid themselves of external parasites before the winter sets in and perhaps dust bathing opportunities are more limited (frozen ground/snow etc) Whilst it may be a bit uncomfortable to have bald patches when the weather is getting colder is more likely to kill the lice than the bird and the feathers grow back pretty quickly.
I just feel sorry for the bald buggers! :hugs
I don’t get it either!
Why does Mother Nature
Design it that they Molt right at the same time temperatures are plummeting???
It is what it is...
I just don’t get it. :he

I don't get it either. One of mine molted hard last winter when it was single digits. I was so worried I brought her inside to a cold room until the really cold temps passed. Fortunately, it looks like all of mine have molted this fall.

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