Feather Wings- True Story of My Chickens

thanks everyone for all the kind words! I'll be working on the next chapter... It's REALLY HARD to write a story through a chickens eyes, as I'm not there all the time. But everything I've typed (major events of being in the box on their first day, lily dying, them being put into a cage in The Outside, Senka, the coon, death, the biggest two legged finding the head- I was with him at the time and noticed serenia was gone, ((the girls weren't named, except for amulet, as when they stopped laying we WERE going to kill the chickens except Amulet, nicknamed Ammy- for meat, but ended up keeping them, as you can't have just one chicken!)) the four hens in which two turned out to be roos so we killed the roos and sold the hens, and The Food Lady moving the food and water into the other run! That was a keyboardfull)
on this story is true!
(edited because my comp is a potatoe)
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sorry it took so long

Then our cage door opened… my first thought was “FREE-RANGE TIME!” But no! The Food Lady scooped us up and put us in our new run! It was heaven on earth! Bugs were crawling and crawling and we got a bright red coop! Inside the coop were two open boxes… which I didn’t understand… two perches and there were two chicken wired square holes in the deep wood… oh, how I wish Serenia and Lily were here to see this!
“That fat coon can’t get us now!” I squawked.
Then The Food Lady shut a latch and we were sealed off from the outside.
“Where’s she going?” Rosie asked, voice shaking.
“It’s dark out now! She’s going into her coop to perch and rest for the night! We should too.” I replied. So we both hopped in our new coop and sat on the perch.
Later, we heard a scratching noise.
Rosie was already up. “It’s that coon!”
So I went out there and laughed. “Ha ha! Stupid coon! You can’t get in here!”
The coon smiled his annoying snarl.
“Watch me.” He snarled. And the latch popped.

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