Been a chickening a year now and my fave breed(s) . . .

Nov 7, 2021
Lyric's World
I have the nerve to be posting such a topic, But it has been a minute since I hung out with yaw'll so it is more of an excuse to write. So, for now I think my fave breed(s) would have to be my buff orpingtons. Those girls seem to be my ride or die. Next would be easter eggers. They seemed hardy and survived all the rigamaroll of the last year with me learning stuff and what not.

I had high hopes for my last order of black australorp, but I confess, I let them out to free range too quickly (my bad, oops). So, I don't have a clue about what they would have. I had ordered 10, straight run. Anywho, I wion't make same mistake with my 3 frizzles.
Can't speak to favorites. I have three Plymouth Rock pullets and a mutt cockerel who was purchased for his protection, rather than breeding value.

The pullets are working out just great. I originally had four, until the neighbors cat came over and killed one, so I went back to the breeder and asked him for a sicario who is great with the ladies. He is already huge at seven months (no surprise, I saw his Pop and he was a spectacle). His Grandma was a Plymouth Rock apparently and his Grandpa was a rescue from the chicken fighting games. Two of the ladies like him and the oldest is head over heels in love.

I plan on getting four more Plymouth Rock pullets, as soon as the new coop is finally done.

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