FEB incubation experience -JULY update - BLK. ORP & EE *new pics*

So, today is day 15. Can you tell I am getting excited!

I have noticed that sometimes people have temperature jumps in the last couple of days. I am wondering what causes this? My temps have held steady the entire time. I don't want there to be a big temp jump and hurt the eggs, so is there anything I can do about this except just keep watching the eggs like a "hawk"? Thanks for your insight........
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The temp changes because the chicks are fully formed and are producing their own heat - same as your body does. Just keep an eye on it.
Ok, so I have been using an egg carton with the bottoms cut out of it to turn my eggs. It has been working great! Day 18 is on Sunday. Normally on day 18 you would take your eggs out of your turner and either lay them flat or put them in an egg carton for hatching. I want to hatch them in an egg carton instead of laying them flat because I don't want them all rolling around. So, should I use a new egg carton that doesn't have the bottoms cut out? Also, a new egg carton would cause the eggs to sit up straight instead of being tilted to the side. What is your experience?
So, that means today is day 7! Are you going to candle your egg today?


Now where did the bright flashlight go

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