Febuary hatch a long

I have 54 duck eggs in a hova bator 1588 and 34 chicken eggs in a still air incubator, I also have an egg turner for the 1588 and would like to use it so I don't have to turn so many eggs.
But the egg turner only holds 41 eggs so I would have to put the extras in the still air Incubator.
Should I put the extra duck eggs in the still air incubator or would that mess them up since it is 2 degrees warmer than the 1588?

these babies hatched on the first
I just got a shipment of 12 Ameraucana bantams from Iowa. The temps were low but none of the eggs appear damaged. They're settling right now and I will set them in the 'bator tomorrow.

I am concerned about what to set them in. All I have are some yellow trays that appear to be sized for quail eggs (much too small), or trays sized for standard eggs. I don't want the eggs to jostle when the auto-turner turns them in the big trays. Is it okay to pad them with tissue?
no they need to breath and soak up the humidity
I don't know much about ducks but I believe the spraying of the duck eggs will over saturate the chicken eggs an you'll have drowned chicks
I have 54 duck eggs in a hova bator 1588 and 34 chicken eggs in a still air incubator, I also have an egg turner for the 1588 and would like to use it so I don't have to turn so many eggs.
But the egg turner only holds 41 eggs so I would have to put the extras in the still air Incubator.
Should I put the extra duck eggs in the still air incubator or would that mess them up since it is 2 degrees warmer than the 1588?
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Do you have a suggestion for keeping them protected in the trays? If I don't pad them somehow they are just going to break.
I have small pieces of wadded up paper towel between some of mine so no rolling around. had read on a previous thread, somewhere..... lol, that another hatcher was doing this so I decided to try it, so far so good. hasn't affected anything yet that I can tell by having the pieces of wadded up paper towel in there, I think it might dry me out a little faster so I feel i'm adding water a little more often, but i'm ok with that as long as the eggs are stable and doing good. hope this helps.

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