Fed up with neighbor!!!

Highland cattle are tasty beef cattle
While Im sure you have plenty of valid complaints about your neighbor but I think you just messed up. 13 years of being a medically trained firemen as had me out on thousands of those calls. Now if you have a paid fire department you most likely just made yourself the butt of a local joke. But if they are volunteer you have issues. What most likely happened when they got out there is that they told him who called an why. Then told him to just put it out. A ticket was probably not wrote because fire related tickets usually start at around $25000 range. So now he sees you as a person that just tried to get him a big fine. The firemen has a mental note of you wasting his time. Now being as a volunteer firemen has to volunteer every time a call comes out you never want a rep for being a person that wastes firemen time. Also if you ever have a fire you have probably doubled or tripped your chances of getting one of those big fines. I know I have seen forestry in Ga wright a $25K ticket to someone for a small brush fire that normally would have meant nothing. Why? His attitude was not up to par. You also have to know that everyone will know you made that call. Being known as a rat just for that is not that big of a deal but. Think about the next time the local SO does a raid. And every time they do a raid from then on out your name will come up as a possible rat. Never a good place to be.

I make it a point to know what is going on on my property. 2 feet across my property line is a fog that I can not see or hear threw.
This is a bizarre thread. I saw no problem with the OP's original post.

I HAVE a tractor, so I can see the tractor tires, and I can say if someone was burning one of those monsters 1/4 mile from here, I'd have breathing problems, too. I'm thinking how far a 1/4 mile actually is, and it's really not that far. The amount of black, billowing smoke that comes out of a fire with a regular old car tire is impressive. I can only imagine how much a tractor tire puts out. I have asthma, and I sympathize with your wife. To have to resort to the nebulizer is serious, indeed.
Yeah I wouldn't want anybody burning tires either.

I mean, here the fines only start at $1k, and burning anything "non-natural" is ticketable.....BUT, nobody really gets issued tickets. Somebody has to complain first, and then you get a warning ya know, all that jazz.

Even though we get away with burning some paper/cardboard and trash here and there.....NOBODY and I mean nobody burns tires. That's just....too much smoke and nastiness.

Tire disposal is only $2 here, and you can even take 4 car tires to the dump on the first Saturday of the month for free!! Besides, you can always just abandon them at the tire shack or WalMart parking lot after hours if you really just don't want to pay the freakin $2 fee.
Well said Reb!

That's what I was trying to tell him.

Fences work in two directions. In reality my fences are not only used to keep my stuff in--- they are also for keeping other stuff out!

You see where I am at I have my property fenced off, corner to corner, front to back, top to bottom, 468' across and 1346' deep. So anybody that wonders up to that fence knows---- property boundry. I don't want my nieghbor's stuff on my property, I don't want him to "take" 1 sq ft of ground---- he can't because of MY FENCE! I am not going to depend on my nieghbor to respect my property, because I told him where the boundry is/was, or some little marker in the ground. My nieghbor will respect my property because my fence (not his) protects it!

Logical question--
If the nieghbor has been such a problem, why in 2 years or 3 years (depends on paragraph), haven't you took it upon yourself to build a secure fence, to designate the boundary and protect your property?

I garauntee I would have been building fence the first month after I purchased my place. When I got this property 30 years ago, establishing a fence on 3 sides was a priority. 4th side is public hwy, but the north, south and east sides are boundaries shared with nieghboring landowners. The public hwy side is now fenced at the right away.

Rocket science-- nope it doesn't take a scientist to figure that no one is SUPPOSE to move a property marker. But it also don't take a rocket scientist to figure out that it is real easy to physically move a pin, and some people as has been illustrated have no morals. But it is one heck of a job to move HUNDREDS OF FEET of fence. None of my nieghbors have to be tempted with moving pins, because they would have to move hundreds of feet of fence in secret. 1 + miles of five strand barbed wire is a lot harder to over look and move around than survey marker.

Yes! Those fences - my fences were major expenditures, but in order for ME to control the boundaries of MY property, they are absolutely required.
The original post is fine but, after the declaration of not being Gladys Kravitz OP goes into
a rant with more private information about the neighbor than what I know about my own brother.
I dunno. Could he be doing spite work because of your spying into his private business?

Maybe this is a two way feud?

I've been on the receiving end of a busybody neighbor and I'm telling you that I did everything
possible to make the man's life hard. The police told the man to his face that if he kept making
frivolous complaints he would be arrested for prank calls. Came to a point that animal control,
police, fire etc. stopped responding to his calls and labeled him a hoaxer.

Just going by what I've read.
That is a good point, but this guy sounds a little...odd. Mabe thats just me...

Worst impression I ever made on the new neighbours was two weeks ago when they were moving in... they have this huge fence on the border line between their property and ours, and on the other side of that fence is the chicken coop...
it just so happened that the chooks found the one tiny hole in the fence in the afternoon when the neighbours had finished unpacking...so when they sat down to have dinner on the porch, there were six little fluffybums sunbathing on their front lawn!!!! gave them quite a shock, starting with "do we have free range chickens? I dont think so...hmm, we're in central city, and there are CHICKENs on the front lawn..."
luckily I noticed they were gone and ran out onto the road just in time to see the gals being shephereded out the front gate!

The next day I gave them a half dozen freshly layed eggs and they seemed to forget the first incident...apart from the holes in the lawn...

Sorry I went off on a total tangent...
Mabe you should just sit and wait until this guy goes...and then build a 3 m high brick wall or something....
If possible buy the property once it is foreclosed. I love having a fence too despite it's huge cost.
Yes, I'll admit...it's a two way feud. Before I put up chicken wire fence on my property line, one of his calves came over onto our property because I had a nice, green lawn...and the other cattle had eaten all the vegetation in that area of the pasture. This was the first time. I called the number to his girlfriends cellphone and told her that the lil guy had slipped through the fence and was munching on the grass by my septic mound. She said thanks, I'll be right over to get him. Friendly as can be! However, once I called the police and filed a report for damage when his cattle decimated my garden a couple summers ago....that's when the trouble started. Before I'd put up the chickenwire fence, my chickens had gone onto his property a couple feet (literally, because I was outside playing catch with DS), and instead of hollering to me that the chickens had strayed onto his property, I got a call from the PD letting me know that my chickens were on his property. Also, after the cattle situation and after I'd put chicken wire up around the back side of my property, my chickens were free ranging in the front lawn....(I wasn't home at the time), but my favorite rooster came up missing that night. I called all of the neighbors asking if they'd seen it....and the girlfriend's mother told me that she'd seen their daughter playing with a chicken. They don't have chickens now...but they used to at their old place. She described the chicken, my fave roo, to a T. I asked her to ask him if I could have it back, and she called me back later and told me that he didn't have my chicken. So, I had to call the PD, who went to his house, and brought my rooster back. So, yeah..it's been a tit for tat things between us. However, since that incident, I installed a 50x50 chicken wire fence for a run, with the coop in the middle....and trimmed their flight feathers so they couldn't escape. I haven't had one call from the PD.....but he doesn't care.
I can sympathize with you in regards to wasting the time of the FD. Yes, ours is a volunteer FD. I have only called once before when he had a fire, and that was because the wind had blown ashes onto my lawn and it caught some fallen branches with leaves on fire. So, this would be the second time I called the FD. Respectfully, however....I know that burning a tire is against the law, and he knows it to.....I can't call him b/c he ignores my phone calls....so the only way that toxic fire was going to be extinguished was involving the authorities. They only sent one small truck....it's not like it was a hook and ladder, pumper, heavy rescue....the works. However, once again, I sympathize with your point.
Regardless of what you think, at least he's moving...and he does have somewhere to go...his parents.
I'm a good neighbor...ask anyone else around me. He's annoying all of us. You would understand if you had to live here next to him. So, I take your words with a grain of salt, and not as a personal attack, which I don't feel was your intention. I'll just be glad to see the S.O.B. gone....and so will the cops. I know this for a fact b/c I have friends who work at the PD, and I myself am going to school to become a police officer. Taking calls that we consider "a waste of time" is part of the job. However, I have never made a call to them that I felt was a waste of time. The only times I called the PD on him was when his animals did damage to my property and when his dogs attacked mine while she was on her lead. I've got 4000 dollars worth of property damage from his cattle....and I'll never see one penny of it. Yes, I could sue him for it....but it would just end up costing me more money....and on top of the 120K he owes for his mortgage (I know b/c the previous owner lived here for a year after we moved in and he told us when he was putting the house and property up, what he was asking for....he owes lots of people money. So, I'll just fix things the best I can....and be glad he's gone.
I don't know if I mentioned this or not, but my folks are thinking about purchasing that property to build a summer home so they can be close to the us and see the grandkids more. FYI: they live in Ohio. So, according to the deal, we would be responsible for upkeep when they're not home...and we'd be able to use the property as well. I won't have to worry about a fence between the two anymore! I'll have it on the side property lines.

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