Feeding baby chicks 24% protien

Fred's Hens :

It may be unpopular to say it, but with that high test racing fuel you're feeding them, a higher proportion of lesser grains would save you considerably and not effect their performance in any noticeable way. It's winter and they are eating a lot, right?

Check on mixed grain, aka, scratch. At $9 a 50 lb bag, it will cut your cost considerably. Shoot, average the 8% protein of the mixed grain bag with the 24% high octane feed and you'll bring your feed cost down to $11 a 50 and your protein would be the average of 16% which is exactly what most of feed mature hens. That's a 50/50. If you'd feel better about a 70/30 blend, so be it.

Yes they are eating "a bunch." I have mixed layer crumbles and scratch together for my hens. Do you think there is anything in the scratch that would be unhealthy for the chicks? Otherwise thats a good alternative.​

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