feeding Chickens Black pepper


8 Years
Sep 6, 2011
I was talking to my mom yesterday morning and she was telling me that her grandmother used to give the chickens black pepper when the egss started slowing down. Now keep in mind this was back around the 20-30's. So I got to thinking what would it do to my chickens if I fed them black pepper. So insetead of just throwing pepper on the ground, I decided to give them a treat"Laced" with black pepper. So I gave them a big mixing bowl full of pop corn. In the pop corn I had a bunch of black pepper. I gave it to them and they loved it. almost like they didnt even notice the black pepper. Out of sarcasim, i told my MIL that I would get 5 eggs tommorrow. and laughed. we have not got 5 eggs in one day since later summer. So I get up this morning and go to the coop and she came with me. the chickens had drank about 2 gallons of water since the last time I was in the coop, and amazingly enough, we had 5 eggs. Now is this some sort of coinki dink, or am I accually on to something? I dnow the pepper made them drink more water, but pepper for laying eggs?
Keep us posted
I don't know about black pepper,but a few weeks ago I mixed cayenne in with the laying mash,and I went from 2-3 eggs to 6-7.So I am covinced that the cayenne works.They don't have capsasion receptors,so it does not burn them,and it doesn't affect the taste of the eggs.
well I gave them another round of Pepper Laced popcorn yesterday about 1 which is about the same time as the day before. I will definately let yall know how many I get in the morning when I gather eggs. Hopefully I get 6 tomorrow.. lol

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