Feeding Crickets to Quail


Dec 18, 2022
Information I have seen shows crickets to be a source of high protein with less fat than other insects and among the easiest to raise. I've watched videos and browsed pages on raising crickets, but, there are still a few issues I question.

First is the actual logistics of feeding live crickets to caged quail. To be useful, I have to be able to slip a container of crickets into the cage and walk away. The 1/2 inch mesh housing my birds won't hold a cricket for long. I thought about a 1/4 inch wire mesh box so they could pick them through the mesh. But excessive pecking at the mesh is likely to cause injury to the birds. My latest idea is to convert a small feeder that you put a jar on top of. I use these to feed morning snack (seeds, grit, crushed egg shell, and dried worms). How can I keep the crickets in and not keep the birds out? I don't know yet.

Second, what percentage of diet could they become? How many crickets should a quail eat in a day?
Crickets would be considered a treat. No more than 10% of their diet should consist of treats. Basically, if you are swapping out more than 10% of their balanced feed, they are no longer eating a balanced diet.

As for how to contain the crickets and allow the quail access to them? I could see that working if you kept your quail in a brooder with solid sides and floor, but otherwise I can't think of anything off the top of my head.

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