feet move ..its a boy


10 Years
Apr 28, 2012
Southeast Alabama
Hahaha...the sales girl at TSC told me something and I was like..."you got to be kidding".

I picked up 3 ducks, my first. Wasn't to worried about breeds, so not sure what I got.

However, the sales girl held up the ducks by the skin, between the wings.
Said if their feet are paddling its a boy, and it not..its a girl. She was serious, and ask what sexes I wanted.

I just picked out the ones I liked by character and color.

But I am curious what breeds they maybe. Was told either Swedish, Rouen, or Pekin.

Hahaha. All kinds of tales get told. I had to explain why I didn't want to feed my ducks just corn to my feed store.

Looks like 2 Pekin and a Khaki Campbell. Is the darker one blue or brown its hard to tell on my computer.
My cousin is a very farm kind of guy and tried to tell me something like that. I thought he was joking with me and I laughed. He was serious. What duck wouldn't kick if you hold it like that? lol

Rouens are marked like Mallards, so you definitely don't have any of those.
Can't help on breeds but the um, sexing suggestion is funny... sure that is how you tell
I thought the girls wore bows?
Definetly looks like a pekin and a blue swedish unsure of the other one. You would think with the amount of years people have raised poultry and waterfowl there would be an easier way to tell by now lol

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