Female getting beat up by my drake


10 Years
Dec 23, 2010
I kept my ducks in the pen today since we were getting 4-8 inches of snow and my drake beat up one of my 4 females. Under normal circumstances they free range all day and only spend the night in the pen. She has many flight feathers pulled out with some bleeding (very little) along with the back of her neck matted and picked at. This winter has been record setting in the Philadelphia area with more 6+ inch snow storms than ever. We have an ice storm coming tomorrow night and more snow this weekend. I have kept them in for a day or two for the other snow storms without incident. Do you think this is because they were kept in the pen or something else going on that won't be resolved when I let them range tomorrow? She will be separated form the flock tonight but I hope to reunite them tomorrow. Here she is getting a warm bath.

Oh, ducks.

It is difficult to predict. You are right to get her out of the situation. She needs time to heal, and I am glad you intervened. Being cooped up more than usual can lead to weird behaviors, I think, but sometimes it just comes out of nowhere. Hormones, maybe. Our ducks are starting to get a little jazzed up - it is that time of year.

I would not leave her unattended with the drake around. Is he the only one picking on her or do the others join in? You may want to separate him for a bit.
I watched them for about 20 minutes after the snow stopped and he was the only one that did anything to her. I think I will keep her out at first and when I reintroduce her I will take him out for a day or so. I guess its that time of year but I have no eggs to show for it.
I my experience, this kind of thing can start a month before any eggs show up, or longer.

But it is a clue to make sure the ducks have enough calcium.

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