
Gosh, then if Fern carries the gene and she got it from Dutch, then I can't put Fern with Dutch anymore. I'm not doing so well here. Maybe I should give it up and get Silkies.
Hey, I have some Turkens you may like!

Gosh darn it ... I am trying to get BBS Orps ... had to take the Turken eggs with them (I sure did not want them). So, guess what is hatching .... NO Orps, that's for sure!
I'm sending some to one of our SDWD members on Monday and I can start collecting for you as soon as I pack up her box. rancher hicks has to get some but not till the end of this month, so I have time to get some for you.

OMIGOSH, Kathy, please no Turkens! I'd take a Silkie over a Turken any day! LOL.

Dont spend extra to overnight that quilt, either, my friend.
Well since I can see your Fern has a bit of the devil in her, mine does too. My Fern is tired of being in a cage with a cast. She hobbles around in there, and if I open it and put my hand in, she bites me! She is not happy. Then with all the good tasting things I've given her, she doesn't seem to be eating her feed. What should I do?
Not sure, Karen. If they're off their feed, maybe get some wheat germ oil and spritz some oatmeal with that. Supposed to perk up their appetite, I hear. Add chopped hardboiled egg to the oatmeal, or some canned salmon. Maybe that will perk her up some.
I think she's spoiled. Nothing wrong with her appetite, LOL

Cyn, You, silkies? Mmmm, gotta think about that one, maybe start with a Cochin? At least they're nice and real big!

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