Fill the Box Four S Exchange Signups Closed SWAPPER NAMES SENT PM

I did ship mine out on the 30th, so please update that.

And, I received mine last week!


I LOVE that magazine, Mary Jane's Farm. I can't find it now after a weekend cleaning frenzy
I think I'm going to subscribe to that mag, I haven't seen it before.

Lots of nice stuff in there, I'm hoping to get those seeds planted this week!

I enjoyed doing this swap, both sending and receiving and hope to do another in the future.

Can you please update mine. I recieved my wonderful box from Becca a while back.

Those jams are great! I cant wait to be able to hopefully
make some blackberry jam next year. I just planted my blackberry bushes earlier this year. I still need to plant my blueberries too.
Just thought I would pass this on. I think she has had a lot going on in her life. Hope your son is doing better and has a speedy recovery..
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Just thought I would pass this on. I think she has had a lot going on in her life. Hope your son is doing better and has a speedy recovery..

OK GOD HAS HUMBLED ME..... I am sorry, I hope and pray your little one is going to recover just fine! Wow what a horrible thing to have to go through!
Hi everyone we have finally got home for a while ( I hope) and have sent out several eggs packages and have one more to send out also someone will be getting their exchange box next week as I will be sending it out. I want to put a couple more things in it since I am so very late getting it out. Thanks for all of the prayers and please keep us in them as he is slowly recovering.. They took his staple out this week.. I am posting a picture of his back on my thread where we have been.... thanks again, Jo

p.s. I wanted to let whomever has my name, we are home now and will be looking for my package, as I could really use a great surprise about now......
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Hi everyone! Just want to let someone they will be getting their package in the mail very soon!!!! I just sent it to the post office, please let me know when you get it. again sorry it is so very late but I guess better late than never. Be on the lookout for your box......
Yay! I got my box!!

Thank you so much to my secret swapper - I love EVERYTHING!!!

The soap smells so good and makes my hands super soft. I love the paintings. You have talent! I could never, ever paint anything as nice as that. And the little bag is so cute. Is it made out of recyled plastic? And the calendar - roosters Yay!

Thank you so much!
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I am glad you got it...again so sorry it was so late! yes the little bag is recycled plastic bags. the kind you get from the grocery stores when you get your food. It is a water bottle or soda bottle cover. I make them, and they are great, keeps the drink cool longer and will not sweat ( which I hate ) I did not know what kind of chickens you had or I would have painted one of them for you. Jo

I still have not gotten my box yet..... I hope who ever has my name will send it soooooon!!!!!!
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