Final hatch results. Wanna see 'em? ;)


9 Years
Mar 19, 2010
Spring Branch
I can't stop looking at these beautiful Silkie chicks! The only problem I've got now is choosing which ones I want to keep!!

Trio of Buff Silkies hatched from KellyHM eggs.

The following pics are from marie_martin eggs. I've got to say that hatching BBS Silkies is like Christmas morning! You don't know what's going to pop out!

The Blacks

The Blue, Splash, and ???. Could someone verify the first two on the left and let me know what category that 3rd one falls in? It appears to be a Black but has white on it's wing tips, legs, and head. The photo doesn't show too much of the white. Thanks!

All were incubated in a Little Giant still air and then transferred into my homemade bator/hatcher which I did have a fan installed. Temp stayed at 99.5 and humidity was kept at 70%. They were incubated "dry" at about 40% humidity but I slowly increased the humidity each week as hatch day approached.
Awesome!!! We've got to have a get-together, then! I've got a couple of friends that are wanting to start a monthly poultry/peafowl group and have meet ups possibly at Beefy's. It's already starting to grow and it's not even official yet.
They are all adorable! So glad you got such a great hatch!!! The three blues are all blue. I have a couple of girls that have the lavender gene and are light blue. So that is why they are so light. I don't think you have any splash in this group. Congrats again!!!!

I should have taken a pic from the top or backside as well of that center one. There is some dark yellow fluff on the back of the upper legs. The top backside of it looks sort of muddled between that slate blue and a light yellow. I've never seen a good pic of a Splash Silkie so I'm sitting here scratching my head trying to figure it out. So is that third one a dark blue?
Looked again now that I can see better (not on my phone). Looks like all of the bottom three are blue (two with the lavender gene). the top picture is all black, maybe dark blue. They all have blue genetics so hard to tell sometimes. I don't think your little one is a splash. But lets see how he grows out.

Very cute either way.

SOOO adorable!!! Silkies are beyond cute. Congrats on such a nice hatch and a beautiful group of chicks!!!

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