Finally got my hands on some call ducks..

So will non-mallard colored call drakes have a tail curl? How will I know if I have ducks or drakes? I hatched out two from shipped eggs this fall and they are black and white (maybe pied??). They hatched on my birthday (late October - what a great gift!) so they are almost 2 months old.
Cute...Drakes will get a tail curl and have raspy voices..Hens QUACK loud...
I just happened to go into a local feed store I don't normally buy feed at and bam! A flyer advertising grey call ducks! Called the man as soon as I got home and he picked up saying he still had some available :celebrate Now i'm a big fan of ducks and have Always wanted some call ducks in my flock so I couldn't just pass it up. All are fully grown but aren't laying yet.. They were $10 each which was mind blowing.. I've seen hatching eggs more expensive than that! SO I went and bought 6 beautiful lil' duckies. 4 hens and 2 drakes. All are Very skittish but in good health.. I've had them for about 2 weeks now and just moved them into the 'Introduction pen' Which allows my other ducks to start talking to them without any fights. I'm very happy with my calls and plan on hatching quite the lot of them this spring.. So for all of those Call experts I need your advice on breeding them. I would like to breed them for the looks, I'm not expecting these guy to be the best of quality but to be honest I know almost nothing when It comes to call ducks.
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(I'll be posting some clearer picture tomorrow afternoon but for now this is all i have of them)

These are all grey calls and I believe they hatched in august.. Oh and another thing if you're a call duck breeder who ships eggs out where i'm at don't be afraid to let me know ;)
They'd be much cuter if they weren't so skittish.
My ducks were attacket by a dog when they were younger they killed 3 and left us with only 4 now.... and they will not come to you. They are so skittish :(i dont blame them though lol
Hopefully hatching these new ducks that will help having them see the new ones interact with us.
I hope yours warm up to you:fl

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