Finn's thread!! Puppy is GROWING!!!

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get one of every toy and then buy more of what he likes. Keep chew toys with him, and all the stuffy toys keep away and only let him have during play time. So #1 he doesn't destroy them, and #2 so they keep their value.

if your puppy is being a jerk, put it to bed! Puppies get very antsy and energetic when they are tired. Counterproductive, I know.. put them in the crate and pop a blanket over. Your perfect puppy will be back in about an hour.

Potty breaks need to be on leash at first!! Don't let that puppy wander off and get used to not coming when called!

Keep a leash on your dog when its in the house, cut the loop off the end of one of your leashes so it doesn't get stuck. if your puppy gets into something or you want your puppy in sight of you, you can reel them back in.

FREEZE YOUR KONGS!!! they last longer that way! buy two if you want, that way you can keep one in the freezer and one out for enjoyment.
Third one is the mistake I made with Brew cause he was so good at first. :oops:

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