Finn's thread!! Puppy is GROWING!!!

Dog specific tennis balls are made in all different sizes so maybe you don’t have to worry about that. I’m so sorry to hear that happened though, and honestly I had no idea that could happen :(

Yes, I've seen those, but not knowing exactly how big a given dog's throat actually is or how much it could possibly expand, I figure better safe than sorry.
Congrars! Finn is adorable!

We have found the kong squeeze balls durable both indoors and out. Chewy has the best price on them by FAR.

We call nylabones the no no bones here. Most dogs can get big chunks off them.
The twisted knotted ropes get long threads hanging off....and those can be a real hazard if swallowed.
If maintained, do those make good toys?
I made several of these using 4-6" wide strips of fleece for our dogs. They are a hit here and more durable than the twisted ropes. (Cheaper too)

I've made some of those out of old t shirts and towels.

If maintained, do those make good toys?

I've made some of those out of old t shirts and towels.

The twisted rope toys are ok if watched closely for stray threads. The biggest issue is when threads are swallowed and catch in the intestinal tract. It's like a blockage but with more damage.

I quit using them here altogether. Those threads can get swallowed way to quickly for my comfort level.
Collars....are martingales as good for training as some have said? We want to start the puppy on a harness, and once he can walk pleasantly on a leash, we'd like to transition to just clipping onto a collar.
The twisted rope toys are ok if watched closely for stray threads. The biggest issue is when threads are swallowed and catch in the intestinal tract. It's like a blockage but with more damage.

I quit using them here altogether. You hose threads can get swallowed way to quickly for my comfort level.
I'd like to get one, but I'll trim off any loose threads after play. If it becomes a hassle, I can toss it.
Collars....are martingales as good for training as some have said? We want to start the puppy on a harness, and once he can walk pleasantly on a leash, we'd like to transition to just clipping onto a collar.

they are pretty much just for escape proof reasons.

What do you want to walk your dog on? a harness, a flat collar? whatever it is, train with that item. Train your heel on a harness if you want to do daily walks on a harness. Unless your dog is giving you serious problems, there is no need for a fancy martingale or a choke chain or a head halter.

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