First aid kit?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 10, 2012
I was wondering if there is any type of chick/chicken medicine that you should always keep on hand? I'm new to this and want to be prepared.

It would also be helpful to know what type of first aid supplies to keep on hand too.
I always keep a kit with vet quality scissors, waterproof medical tape, non-stick gauze and flexible waterproof wrap, neosporin (in case of bumblefoot), baytril (by prescription only), a prescription anti-fungal (in case of sour crop), sulmet, terramycin, hydrogen peroxide, vaseline, hot pick, seven dust, and various syringes for giving meds. I also keep a dog kennel cage handy to keep a sick chicken in if the need arises. I also keep a tube for running down a chicken's throat that I got from the vet, to treat a compacted crop. I also keep poultry Nutri-drench, a probiotic, calcium pills.
I don't keep as much as most people, but here's what I have on hand:

band aids (for leg issues on chicks, only have had to hobble 1 chick)
vitamins and electrolytes - all my hatched chicks get this.
Blukote or no pick - sometimes you get a bird that wants to pick at another.
Aspirin - if they get an injury, it helps with the pain. (1/4 crushed aspirin to 1 cup of water)
Apple cider vinegar - helps in the summer with slime in the waterer, also good for the birds. Get the organic kind with the "mother" in it. DO NOT use in metal waterers.
Poultry dust

I also have a scalpel, vet wrap and gauze pads on hand in case of bumblefoot. (staph infection in the foot)

I'm sure there's more, but that's all that I can think of at the moment.
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First aid: Blu kote (if feathers are being pulled or to put on any injury to avoid other chicks pecking at it)
Medicine: You should keep vitamins to add to the water, But i just use sugar or honey if they need a boost.

Also prepare yourself emotionally for losing a chick. And it's a good idea to have extra lightbulbs, if you don't the one you have will likely burn out in the middle of the night when no stores are open. Also get a second heat lamp for a back up. Be prepared for the unexpected to happen.
Thanks for all the replies.. Guess I need to pick up some things.

I was wondering is there a specific type of vitamin or electrolyte for chicks?
Thanks for all the replies.. Guess I need to pick up some things.

I was wondering is there a specific type of vitamin or electrolyte for chicks?

There's many different kinds. One is called Sav-A-Chick. Mine just says Poultry Vitamins and Electrolytes. It's a powder in a vitamin type bottle that you mix with water. Just take a look at your feed store.

You can use pedialyte as well.
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