First Ameraucana Egg!


9 Years
Aug 27, 2010
Aberdeen, MD

Well the wait is over and my nervious little Ameraucana pullett is now a HEN! She laid her first little pullet egg this morning. Itis such a pretty color much darker then i could get a pic of. Turquoise really but nothing i would call green. She is a black Laventer split. She was a cull from a breeder that was only growing out the biggest chicks. She was hatched Labor day week end. so she is at about 20 weeks.

New pic she made 3 now!
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Congratulations!!! Isn't it fun! The girls are wonderfully generous! A beautiful egg. My Americaunas were the first to start laying.
N. Virginia
All four of my Ameraucana girls started laying this week.. One is the palest blue, two are very blue and one is a minty blue.. It is so exciting to get the different colors... My girls are 37weeks old...So I waited a LONNNNNgg time.
Congrats! Always exciting to get your first blue egg.
I remember mine. . . . It was actually green at first which really panicked me, but as that pullet continued, her eggs turned blue in just 3 more days. Whew.

btw - Your Ameraucana is still a pullet.
Pullets are females under 1 yr old. Hens are 1 yr old and older.

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