First chickens we have ever had...


6 Years
Apr 17, 2015
We have one chicken that's just different than the others. She is really flighty and darts around a bunch. Is she really a he or is it to early to tell?



I am very greatful of any help! Thanks!!
I assume you are referring to the one chicken that appears in all three photos. It does look like it might be a cockerel. Do you have any real closeups of this chicken? What breed is it? How old is it?
I too have never had chickens before and I'm curious about something...
For the past hour my RIR girls (4 weeks) have been squawking like crazy....why?
I too have never had chickens before and I'm curious about something...
For the past hour my RIR girls (4 weeks) have been squawking like crazy....why?

This could be a lot of things. Generally, when I have brooder babies and I hear a lot of ruckus I start with things that may be distressing them - temperature, hunger/thirst (ie they have emptied or spilled their feeder/waterer), sudden round of fighting/disruption, something in the environment making them upset, etc.
Chickens are like people - each of them have their own personalities and some of them are a little more "off" than others, lol. Looks like a little Easter Egger you have there - which is funny, because our current "bowl of crazy flakes" in our flock is also an EE.
For gender ID can you get a photo of the bird where the full side of the bird is better illuminated? The second photo posted has what could be shadow in the saddle area, which is one of the areas to be looked at for gender ID. How old are your birds? That is also important in evaluating certain characteristics.
Thanks Grey Mare, I think we just figured it out. We let the girls have their first outside time and it was beautiful here in WV today (75-80) and I think they loved it a little too much. We just now gave them their heat lamp back and within a minute all was quite in the Ford House!!!! lol thank goodness....I don't think I could have slept with all that noise <3

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