First Egg Countdown

My first egg from "Mama", red sex link, 16 weeks and 3 days old. The size would be a small. The bad news is that I just stopped the medicated feed about 10 days ago, so after hubby sees that I wasn't BSing him, the furbabies in the house will get to enjoy it.
Unless you are allergic to sulfa drugs, you can eat the egg. The medication in medicated feed is amprolium - it's an amino acid that blocks thiamine. Congrats!
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^^^It's nerve-wracking, eh? We were not eggspecting any eggs until August, so when we got one 3 weeks ago, it was a total surprise. Now we are waiting for more birds to lay! We have 4 others who are not quite there yet. Currently we are getting 2/day.
Raising my very first chickens! They are 18 weeks old and I got my first egg yesterday morning!!! I wasn't real sure because my mother-in-law had tried to play a trick a few weeks ago and put 3 grocery store eggs in my nest boxes. I knew I didn't have 3 hens ready though! This one was small, brown, with white speckles, still I was apprehensive to get excited. Then this morning, I heard the egg song!!!!!! NOW, I'm soooo happy!!
Her comb and anothers was floppy today and I had Blue do a definite squat for me... Soooo anxious!! Maybe tomorrow will be the day!

I feel like the Midwife for Chickens!
When she is very vocal, like she's chewing someone out, that will be the day you get an egg.

Raising my very first chickens! They are 18 weeks old and I got my first egg yesterday morning!!! I wasn't real sure because my mother-in-law had tried to play a trick a few weeks ago and put 3 grocery store eggs in my nest boxes. I knew I didn't have 3 hens ready though! This one was small, brown, with white speckles, still I was apprehensive to get excited. Then this morning, I heard the egg song!!!!!! NOW, I'm soooo happy!!
Getting closer!
Got another egg today, and just found a hen sitting in the nest box. Wonder if she's gonna lay?? Its like 1130am. Thought they only laid early in the morning??
I went and checked again after I saw they were all back out in the run, and I found ANOTHER egg!!! She was laying!! That's 3 in 2 days!! I have 5 hens, so should start moving along well!!
What kinds are your chickens? ...and I hate when people play tricks on me. Eggs are serious business. Lol :) My Sex Links laid at 18 weeks. Barred Rocks and BO at 17. Waiting on Easter eggers....then the 30+ other chickens. Yay!
I have 2 Speckled Sussex, 1 is the Rooster. Then I have 4 red pullets. Idk what they r, actually, I can't even tell them apart. Lol Drives me nutty! Idk which are laying and which aren't! :( Guess I'm a control freak, cause I REALLY wanna know!!!! Lol

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