First Egg Countdown

After wiping out my flock with disease and starting over I now have 71 chickens I'm feeding and not a single egg! 30 of them are CC for meat though! Of the other 41 there are a few roos maybe 5 and the pullets are all between 17 and 19 weeks. Some are starting to get red combs. I can't wait!!!!!!! I have rsl, bsl, br,ee,wyandottes, and americanas.
So sorry you had to start over with your flock. You will have eggs soon.

Ok, Chicken Friends, what is the egg squat everyone is talking about? My older hens squat down in submission to me when they'll let me pet them. I doubt we're talking about the same thing???
Yes, that is the squat. They hunker down, tuck their head and their wings come out a bit. It is the pullet squatting for mating. It is a sign of maturity which also means eggs.
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hi! i have 1 pullet right now. unfortunately i dont know ANYTHING about where they initially came from, or when they were hatched. i only know where they were purchased

the most guessed age range is about 5-6 months, if anyone else can take a guess it would be GREATLY appreciated!

these are the best pics i have of them so far.

i was just wondering if anyone else has PRs and about what age did they start laying?

i just introduced the nest box yesterday afternoon and have yet to stop and see if she has checked it out.
I just noticed one of my girls squatting this morning for the first time. They've never done it for me, but she definately squatted for her fella!! Hoping someone gets broody next yr, and I'll let them hatch! Seems like forever away, but I'm afraid they r just too young right now, only 18 weeks!
hi! i have 1 pullet right now. unfortunately i dont know ANYTHING about where they initially came from, or when they were hatched. i only know where they were purchased :idunno the most guessed age range is about 5-6 months, if anyone else can take a guess it would be GREATLY appreciated! these are the best pics i have of them so far. i was just wondering if anyone else has PRs and about what age did they start laying? i just introduced the nest box yesterday afternoon and have yet to stop and see if she has checked it out.
I just love the pics where they are looking right in the camera lol. Pretty girls! Look young though. Sure on the 5/6 months?
hi! i have 1 pullet right now. unfortunately i dont know ANYTHING about where they initially came from, or when they were hatched. i only know where they were purchased :idunno the most guessed age range is about 5-6 months, if anyone else can take a guess it would be GREATLY appreciate these are the best pics i have of them so far. i was just wondering if anyone else has PRs and about what age did they start laying? i just introduced the nest box yesterday afternoon and have yet to stop and see if she has checked it out.
I would say like 4 months. Still look super young to me.
Im not sure of their age at all :(
a few people the BYC Facebook guessed 5-6 months. I thought they were closer to 2-3. My roo hasn't completely feathered out yet, he's not crowing either. He is starting to chase my pullet around. And the first time I gave them a corn cob he yelled at her to get into the coop until he made sure the corn wasnt going to self-destruct! Ok so im exaggerating a bit, but it was still amusing
I checked the boxes this morning and found a yolky, soft-shelled mess! At long last our first egg is here! After cleaning out the box (during which Parma stood there telling me all about it) she tucked herself in and made the neatest circle of a nest. I can't wait to see what'll be in there tomorrow...

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