First Egg Countdown

Good news at 18 weeks & three days got my first egg from the girls I hatched from my flock. She layed the egg exactly where I told her to in her nest box's. Now if I just new which one layed it.
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Congratulations! MY 7 pullets are 18 weeks old today. So maybe by Friday or Saturday, I'll have an egg, too! It's so exciting! I keep checking those nest boxes! LOL!
Alright, I hate to admit to ignorance, but I have to ask:

What does this egg squat look like?

I have adult chickens who lay eggs. The only way I know they're about to lay is I find them sitting in the nest when I open the coop--and they give me the evil eye like "can't a girl get a little privacy around here?"
Almost all of my chickens (all different breeds) have become very vocal right before they start laying. When they start bok bokking like crazy and pacing back and forth to the coop, you know an egg is coming.
N&MSchroeder :

Congratulations! Those are big eggs! What breeds do you have?

I have barred rock, buff orpingtons, red sex links, tetra tints and 2 don't know but think 1 is partridge rock and other maybe wellsummer but not sure. several have been sleeping in the rear roll nesting boxes so I don't know who has laid these 2. but we were thrilled to find them​
OMG yay! to 7L Farms and bs288!!!! Congrats to you both for being the first to get eggs! I'm jealous!!

Who's next?
I've been noticing that my Wyandottes look really red on their combs, wattles and around the eyes. Then, after a few minutes of perching on me, most of the red fades to a pinkish tan. What's with the color change? Will they start laying when the red doesn't fade anymore?
I have noticed one of my 15 almost 16 week old RIR's comb has doubled its size in the last few days. It is also getting really red. I am hoping eggs are soon. I just hope the coop gets finished in time! Its almost ready!
Congrats for those of you who got their first eggs today!!

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