First Egg Countdown

I had the same fears about having an easter egg hunt to find my eggs but I have two or possibly three that are starting to lay and they go back into the coop to do so. One always goes into the little pullets coop (I think it's bacuse it was there coop up until a month ago) When I let them free range she always goes in there to lay. The other or others have been laying on the floor in their coop. Hopefully yours will do the same.
Congrats to everyone getting eggs!

Welsummers do usually lay later than most. My breeder birds do not lay before 24 weeks. Wellies from a hatchery may lay a bit sooner though.
I have three girls. 2 Buff Orpingtons and an Australorp. They are all squatting for me and their wattles, combs and skin around their eyes are very red. My dominant BO is even affectionate which surprises me. I have my soon to be 9 year old daughter do an "egg check" every day - because it'll be her job to get eggs and this whole project was about her anyway. LOL! I collected the eggs from our family hens when I was her age and she wants to do exactly what I did. Wants to be just like Mom! So, long story short...we're in the egg countdown too. SOOOO exciting!
I haven't witnessed egg squats but I have witnessed the boys doing alot of chasing and I got my first egg today. I just don't know who it was from because it was brown.
It's hard to say without seeing a pic of the difference. Girls can lay different colored eggs, especialy when they first start trying. Post a pic here and we'll try to give it a looksee!

Welcome to everyone who is first joining hte thread, and grats to everyone who got eggs!

It was so nice to come home from my vacation and see that so many people had new eggs!
It's hard to say without seeing a pic of the difference. Girls can lay different colored eggs, especialy when they first start trying. Post a pic here and we'll try to give it a looksee!

Welcome to everyone who is first joining hte thread, and grats to everyone who got eggs!

It was so nice to come home from my vacation and see that so many people had new eggs!

I definatly have more than one laying as I got an egg yesterday and then I went into the other coop that my BR likes to go and lay inside and there was a shelless eggs. BTW I got another egg today and am hoping for another when I get home and let the chickes out hoping that she goes inside the little ones coop and lays another good one.
Our young granddaughters really enjoy collecting eggs for me and their mom. The 9 y.o. even liked cleaning my coop for me this weekend! On Saturday she predicted our Australorp would lay her first egg on Sunday, and viola she did!
You're going to have a lot of fun with ALL the girls! Enjoy!
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I have a question for all of you out there that are experienced in the art of chickens and laying eggs. We got out chickens from Orscheln's on May 19th. I am not sure how old they were when we got them. They were in the pen that said assorted laying pullets. Out of the 10 we got we lost 2 (1br and 1rir) to a coon. We also lost our other br to heat. I guess what i am asking is how do you tell when they are going to start laying. One of our BO's has had her red comb and waddle for around a week now. The rest still have the normal white small combs and waddles. Do they make a certain noise or start doing anything special that i need to start watching for? I heard some wierd loud noises coming from the Bo with the red combs and waddles this morning which is the first like that i have heard. We have them in a coop at night and just open the door in the morning so they can free range in the backyard all day. When do I need to get the laying boxes ready? Right now they sleep in them but i don't have anything down for cushion. I didn't want to get it ready too soon because they poop and everything in their little boxes and didn't want to have to keep replacing the litter or hay or whatever I decide to put down everyday or more. Thanks. I can also take some pictures if that would be more easier.
Red, my NH, has a laid an egg every single day since her first one 10 days ago. She consistently marches up the steps into her favorite box between 11-12. Two eggs have been softshelled, but two had double yolks! Is it usual for a young layer to be so prolific? I am so proud of her:)
Yesterday was a big day for me too!

Rosie says "I left a present for you."

It was neatly lined up with the golf ball in the nest box. Here it is next to an egg from our Rhode Island Red and a little white egg from our Polish bantam. She's just two days shy of 6 months old (25 1/2 weeks--but who's counting?)

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