First Egg Countdown

My 17 week old cornish cross who might not ever lay but we'll keep her anyway.

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I'm waiting too. My pullets are 16 weeks old. The Wyandottes and Orpingtons have started to get dark pink combs/wattles. One GLW, Granite, who used to be very standoffish, has now started wanting to roost on people every time we get near. She'll sit down on you and bok softly to herself. It's really cute.

Rock, my BO roo, has started attacking all the girls, trying to breed. They don't want anything to do with him yet, tho.
Oh man I'm jealous!

I just opened up their nesting boxed and put some oyster shell into the coop today. I also put two pingpong balls in each nesting box. However, my girls are steadfastedly ignoring them

I even ended up in the grocery store last night, admitting defeat and buying eggs. Oh the shame!
My girls were hatched February 10th.
If my math is correct, that means they are now 18 weeks and 3 days.
Now, I have one RIR that lays nearly every day, which might make it tricky to be certain when I get my first egg from the new girls. But I want to know, because it will be my first "first egg". (The RIR was already laying when I got her.)

Here are pics of my girls from a week ago


A jealous RIR wants in the picture (after all, she's been paying rent here for almost a year!)

And of course, my BOs from when they were tiny and cute:

Awww, thank you - I love them.
24 weeks for my girl and still waitin'. My breeder girls don't start until after 24 weeks anyway, so it's not a big deal except I want to see the egg! I've noticed she's getting more talkative, so it has to be soon.
DawnCols, your Orps are too cute
It looks like they are pinking up in the face, so I'll cross my fingers for you!

HappyChooks, I actually didn't know that the hens get more talkative before they lay, is that particular to the Welsummer breed? I am hoping not because another one of my Gold Comets sprouted a comb overnight, and she's blathering away to herself now. I keep asking her what she's got to gossip so much about, but she won't tell. Must be juicy.
I was just checking on the chickens, when one of my Australorp babies did the egg squat! She was the first to get big pink waddles and combs. The others are starting to get them(I have five BA's). They will be 18 weeks old on Thursday.

A post on another thread here said a chicken will lay her first egg on week after they start doing the egg squat, so
come chickens!


This is a picture of Sienna from last week(6-16-2011)
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I don't know how old she is, I'm estimating 5 months. She's supposed to be a BSL, but looks part Sumatra. She's much more plump than when I got her last month. Comb isn't red yet but I'm keeping a close eye on her. She likes to keep my EE company while EE is in the nest box. I think she's apprenticing.
Look what I found this morning!! I don't know who laid it but it was a surprise. My oldest ones are now 15 weeks old


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