First Egg Countdown

I just got back from a 4 day mini vacation in San Diego, went out to see my hens and Gerti started squating. I am hopping that this means she is very close. I will post pictures later tonight. They are 17 weeks.

Oh, and Congrads to all you who got your first eggs this week. Its raining 1st eggs.
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Does anyone know what the chances are of slate legged EEs to lay blue eggs? I know the pea comb is related to the blue egg gene but between willow and slate legsdoes that play a part in it. Can anyone with EE already laying let us know their experiences?

Ill also try to post in the easter eggers braggers thread
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I want to join too!
I have been reading this thread and it has only been making me more antsy about when I am going to get my first eggs! I have a single BO hen left out of 3 from last year (a night time predator attack claimed the others) and she has been busy raising 7 baby chicks which hatched early last month. Therefore, although I've had about 70 chickens for the last several months, not one single chicken is laying! Most of them are roosters though. I got my chicks in 4 batches (chicken math...) so my 8 BO hens range in age from 19-20 1/2 weeks and the youngest are my 4 EEs which are 18 1/2 weeks. I also have a 19-20 week old NH hen (lucy) who was supposed to be a roo, but I'm SO happy that she isn't. A good mix-up for once! So I have 8 BO, 4 EE, and 1 NH hen and I'm so excited about getting fresh eggs but I can't wait! Lucy has reddened up quite a bit in the last week or two and grown bigger wattles and comb, as have a couple of the BO, but most are still pretty pink. The EE don't have much of a comb at all and what they do have are more brown than anything. I've never had EEs before so I don't know what to expect. It seems like my hens too FOREVER to lay last year. None of them have been singing the eggs son or squatting at all. This is Laverne. She is my favorite EE hen because she follows me around the yard and is very talkative and bossy. Especially to the turkey poults that she keeps a close eye on.

This is some of the gang. All of the BOs (with the obvious exception
of Jack, in the front) are hens. Lucy (NH) is all the way on the left
hand side, and the EE hens are in the center (and behind Jack).

This is my momma hen (Miss. Idgie Threadgoode) and all of the
adorable little reasons that I don't have any eggs being laid right now.

I want some eggs now!!!
Is it time yet?!!!
I have what has got to be the most giant barred rock hen who JUST started squatting today. She is about 23 weeks old. She had better lay some giant eggs. We have been waiting forever....c'mon hurry up!
I want to join too! :frow  I have been reading this thread and it has only been making me more antsy about when I am going to get my first eggs! I have a single BO hen left out of 3 from last year (a night time predator attack claimed the others) and she has been busy raising 7 baby chicks which hatched early last month. Therefore, although I've had about 70 chickens for the last several months, not one single chicken is laying! Most of them are roosters though. I got my chicks in 4 batches (chicken math...) so my 8 BO hens range in age from 19-20 1/2 weeks and the youngest are my 4 EEs which are 18 1/2 weeks. I also have a 19-20 week old NH hen (lucy) who was supposed to be a roo, but I'm SO happy that she isn't. A good mix-up for once! So I have 8 BO, 4 EE, and 1 NH hen and I'm so excited about getting fresh eggs but I can't wait! Lucy has reddened up quite a bit in the last week or two and grown bigger wattles and comb, as have a couple of the BO, but most are still pretty pink. The EE don't have much of a comb at all and what they do have are more brown than anything. I've never had EEs before so I don't know what to expect. It seems like my hens too FOREVER to lay last year. None of them have been singing the eggs son or squatting at all. This is Laverne. She is my favorite EE hen because she follows me around the yard and is very talkative and bossy. Especially to the turkey poults that she keeps a close eye on. 

This is some of the gang. All of the BOs (with the obvious exception
of Jack, in the front) are hens. Lucy (NH) is all the way on the left
hand side, and the EE hens are in the center (and behind Jack).  

This is my momma hen (Miss. Idgie Threadgoode) and all of the
adorable little reasons that I don't have any eggs being laid right now. 

I want some eggs now!!! :barnie Is it time yet?!!!
Great family of chickens you have! I know how you feel. I'm still waitint too. Mine are 20+2 days old. At least you have your babies to have fun with. Are you going to keep them all? What was their father?
congrats to all the "new eggs"! Wonder where Ron's been? Miss you Ron.

I was thinking just the same thing the other day. I'm imagining him on vacation, under some palm-trees and sipping on a straw out of a coconut somewhere. Maybe with a chicken beside him ^_^.

And 7 Biddies, if you want a good giggle at a fluffy baby with a hilarious name, I need to find you a picture of Ivan the Terrible. It's the fattest, fluffiest Buff Orp chick you've ever seen a BYCer post a pic about. I freakin die laughing at that poor chick every time I see it. Hrm.... a little digging is in order
Laverne is such a pretty girl. Poor Buffy squats so hard she gives up and sits as I pet her. It sure is a good behavior to take advantage of lol. After the first one she thinks that is enough squatting and petting for the day. Last night after dark I quietly stalked into the hen house and there they were, all five crowded together in one foot of an eight foot perch! So I pet each one to see if anyone else squatted to find the other egg layer. Since the *big scare* when I had to carry them into their house, they don't trust me except Buffy. I thought Goosey Lucy did but it was hard to tell on the perch. This morning tho I quietly opened the door just to see if anyone was in the nest box, and there was Goosey Lucy! So cute, she was busy picking up pieces of shavings to put in a better spot in her nest here and there as she sat. She just talked and talked to me so pleased with herself. I was really surprised the SL Wyandotte layed before the Barred Rock (who got a stern look from me). Lucy is laying the cutest tiny brown eggs.

Goosey Lucy in the back, then Peachy EE, Buffy BO, and Lacy SLW. Baby my BR below. I have no name imagination.

My big flock. I had to quit letting them out for awhile until we finish some projects. They follow me around worse than a shadow and I don't want the mini's to step on them. Besides, they get in my little barn and throw hay everywhere and I sure don't need chicken dookey on my tack and equipment. They are like a group of preschoolers, so cute.

About the egg color and leg color relation. When I had chickens 12 years ago, most were Auracnas they called them and they might have been since I inherited them from the Biosphere along with many of their other exotic animals, or they might simply have been a mix. Anyway, their legs were truly green, no diluted or muted in there. Very definite green, and the eggs were all olive green. The EE's this year (I sold 5) all have/had slate colored legs. Can't wait to see what color eggs Peachy lays.
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