First Egg Countdown

You would think having eggs/golf balls in the next boxes would give them the hint... Not always! One of the 3 or 4 that have started laying is using the nest box the others prefer the area under the raised duck houses! So to get eggs I have to take a ground cover and a little kids rake ... I hope the others get with the program of the boxes soon.
Update: My 2 red sex links are the only two I have now. I waited and waited for the barred rock and Dominique to lay. Finally at 24 weeks the dominique started talking to me and getting very red in the comb. Then she suddenly died. Two days later my barred rock died.
This silkie turned out to be a rooster and had to move out. It's been very sad.

On a positive note, These red sex links have not let me down. They each have consistently laid an egg every day, only skipping maybe 3 days in 2 months.

Congrats to those who have first eggs and to those who will have first eggs soon. It's such an exciting experience!

Wow, thats surprising and sad. Chickens are usually pretty hardy by the time they reach 5 months old. Wonder what they died of. So sorry for the loss, but glad to hear about the sex links.
I'm so sorry to hear the sad news Beachcomberjim :( At least your SLs seem to be doing well, and are doing their best to give you lots of eggs.

And Rocksmom, I am sooooo jealous of your pretty rainbow of eggs! Especially the blue! I need to get me some cream legbars or something

Grats Jasperina! Thats a pretty decent size for a first egg!
20 weeks and nothing yet...I figured the sex links would be at it already. They are supposed to lay sooner than most right? Anybody else have some Cinnamon Queens, comets, or Red sex link type girls over 20 weeks and not payin' rent?
20 weeks and nothing yet...I figured the sex links would be at it already. They are supposed to lay sooner than most right? Anybody else have some Cinnamon Queens, comets, or Red sex link type girls over 20 weeks and not payin' rent?
I had 2 black sex links that did not lay til almost 23 weeks
. I have a leghorn at almost 26 weeks still not laying
I have a black/white (splash?) cochin named Eowyn, I think she's a bantam (from my son's preschool). She & her brother (since rehomed) seem to be maturing much faster than the rest of the flock that are all the same age. (He crowed at 11 weeks and got promptly relocated) She has been clucking now for a good month and all of a sudden her comb/wattles/face have turned scarlet red. She's been pink for awhile, but there is a marked difference very suddenly. But she's only 14 weeks old...does this mean she's getting ready to lay? I know it's really early but all the signs point to maturity. Help?!

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