First Egg Countdown!!

I'm so excited for all of you! But I have really bad news, I lost my three girls this morning to some kind of predator. I don't understand. My Plymouth Rock (Belle) fought so hard, My Buff (Sasha) was right by her side. Bella got the worst of it. But my Red Sex Link (Sexy Lady) was in the furthest end of the run. She just had a hole in her side but also dead. It was obvious to me that whatever did this, is wasn't for a meal.   I don't think I'll be getting more chickens, I lost 3 chicks to feral cats when they were very young. My Chicken friend down the street urged me to give it a few days. He too had been through a massacre and swore off having chickens, but came around in time. I'll see. I'll take his advice and not go into the yard for a few days and see what happens.

O no I'm so sorry ! ((( hugs)))
Hi all! I got my first chickens ever in February. They are about 15.5 weeks old and I am eagerly waiting for my first egg! I have them on layer feed now, I have a few nesting boxes set up, I have witnessed mating from the roosters, and I've heard the egg song. So here's what I've got:

3 EE
4 BO
2 SS
2 Red Rangers

I also have a handful of 13 week old white leghorns and a half dozen mallard ducks that will lay. Can't wait!

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Hi all! I got my first chickens ever in February. They are about 15.5 weeks old and I am eagerly waiting for my first egg! I have them on layer feed now, I have a few nesting boxes set up, I have witnessed mating from the roosters, and I've heard the egg song. So here's what I've got:

3 EE
4 BO
2 SS
2 Red Rangers

I also have a handful of 13 week old white leghorns and a half dozen mallard ducks that will lay. Can't wait!

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Dada, BarredRockGirls, and Esupp congratulations on your first egg! So EXCITING!! I am in the First Egg Countdown myself, my flock is 20.5 weeks old and still no eggs! BarredRockGirls, I can't believe yours are laying at 18weeks, how lucky for you! LOL!

I have been noticing strange behavior in one of my barred rock ladies and I am not sure whether she is sick (I hope not) or if she might be getting ready to lay eggs. I have not heard the egg song yet! She is standing around a lot, acting sluggish, kind of squatting down all the time. I felt her hip bones and I could not feel an egg or a hard spot or anything.

She is being very docile, letting me hold her, and not actively vying for treats like usual (she is near the top of the pecking order).

I posted some pictures in this other thread, do you all think this is normal pre-laying behavior? Or possibly illness? :(
Do they then stay bright red after they lay their first?

I just got my 1st mini egg this morning. Thinking it was from one of my golden buffs who was always about a week ahead of the other 3 golden buffs in feather growth (got them all at the same time). I got them March 20, and they were 5-7 days old. So she would only be right at 16 weeks.
Thanks so much for the info on the signs of laying. I have 1 LH, 1 NHR,2 PR,4 RIR. They are all about 15 wks old. I have noticed of late that they are all looking a little more red in the wattles and combs. I am so excited, cant wait for our first eggs. I cannot imagine not having chickens. They are great pets and they are fun to watch.
Do they then stay bright red after they lay their first?
And what is this "song" you are all talking about?

I just got my 1st mini egg this morning. Thinking it was from one of my golden buffs who was always about a week ahead of the other 3 golden buffs in feather growth (got them all at the same time). I got them March 20, and they were 5-7 days old. So she would only be right at 16 weeks. I also have 2 Barred Plymouth Rocks, that are actually probably Dominique's (their combs aren't yet big enough for me to tell for sure) that are the same age.

I was like a little kid on Christmas!! I woke my kids up (a big no no), my husband wasn't very excited either. I kinda want to keep the egg forever...haha. I won't!

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