First Egg Stories?

I just got my first egg yesterday from my 16 week old ISA brown Camillia. I walked in the coop yesterday morning and let everyone out in the run. Every chicken went except Camillia, who was lying in the corner of the coop where my blind chicken Blue and her buddies usually go to escape the older chickens when they're being especially mean (it's a large dog crate with some extra space, including the corner). At first I was scared she was sick, but then I realized she might be laying an egg.
So I went back to taking care of my goats and started filling water buckets, when I heard a loud sort of clucking and I ran over to the coop (sometimes one of the Leghorns will corner Blue and I have to help her). I had never heard the "egg song" before. I had thought it would be a softer noise lol but it's much louder and disturbing than the name. Because I had never heard it before I was worried but through a few videos I soon discovered the sound she was making and the universal egg song was one and the same.
Her first eggs shell was pretty thin, but inside it was normal. I feel very proud of her lol though my dad says "it's what chickens do, they lay eggs". Yet he is glad he'll have superior "fresh farm eggs" compared to store bought. Of course I took a few pictures of that one, and of her more normal looking one today. I was very excited to see the inside of her first egg normal, as I was apprehensive that it would somehow be different as her first egg.
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Her first egg yesterday
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Her second egg today

Yeah....the "egg song" is more like a woman who's giving birth, lol. It is not soft and like a lullaby. However if you've ever given birth you darn well know it's your right to scream, yell, groan, moan to push that big thing you go hens....announce to the world you just pushed that big ol' thing out!!!!! :yesss:
Congratulations! Is she the only one you were waiting on?

Nope. She's the first of my 6 girls, 4 more are ready any minute. The last one is one of the lighter of my two Red Sexlinks. She seems to be more immature than the other and survived a dog chase last weekend, which may have set things back even further. :(
Found my first egg about a week ago but hadn't had any since. Well this morning I found two. So 2/8 are laying now.

Problem is I've yet to get one that we could eat. First one I handed to my daughter and she smashed it because of the thin shell

Then today one I found was cracked really bad. Looked to me like she layed while roosting and the egg got smashed up from the 5 ft fall.

The other one I found is more concerning. All I found was a shell laying on the ground. Really hoping they haven't developed a taste for eggs.

More then likely they've not "developed a taste for eggs". Sounds like they're just misfiring on the first few. However, if after a coupla weeks you are still getting abnormal or soft shell or eggs with only a shell you need to look at calcium or read a few posts on BYC. But probably just first time eggs....Congrats!
My first egg happened mid afternoon. My girls free range so I always just checked around their hang out spots. However when the first egg came it was literally left at my door step. No exaggeration. My beautiful Sapphire had laid her egg by the back door on the porch as if to say "hey! Look what I made!"
I was so overjoyed.
Screeching is more like it.
Ill never forget it. One of the best memories I have with my ladies.
My first egg happened mid afternoon. My girls free range so I always just checked around their hang out spots. However when the first egg came it was literally left at my door step. No exaggeration. My beautiful Sapphire had laid her egg by the back door on the porch as if to say "hey! Look what I made!"
I was so overjoyed.
Screeching is more like it.
Ill never forget it. One of the best memories I have with my ladies.

That's amazing! What a fun story. :)
Nope. She's the first of my 6 girls, 4 more are ready any minute. The last one is one of the lighter of my two Red Sexlinks. She seems to be more immature than the other and survived a dog chase last weekend, which may have set things back even further. :(

I'm on edge just waiting for the second of my two. How 3xciting for you. The immature one may surprise you. My two were lagging behind my friends. We got all three same place same day. Hers matured so quickly and grew beautifully. But my little Gumby caught up and beat our both RIRs
Lady#2 laid her first egg today! Unlike Lady#1, who was serene and calm and sat in the nesting box and laid her egg then loudly proclaimed her victory, Lady #2 paced around the coop/run for about 3 hours looking for a place to escape, clawing at corners and bawking non-stop. She eventually laid her egg in a corner of the coop. I think she wore herself out; no victory song for her. Her egg is torpedo-shaped and Twice the size of Lady#1's first. Lady#3 has sang twice today with no egg. And Lady #1 hasn't laid a second egg yet... Maybe we'll get 2-3 tomorrow! This is so exciting!

Here's Ladies 1 and 2, taking a much-earned dust bath.


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Lady#2 laid her first egg today! Unlike Lady#1, who was serene and calm and sat in the nesting box and laid her egg then loudly proclaimed her victory, Lady #2 paced around the coop/run for about 3 hours looking for a place to escape, clawing at corners and bawking non-stop. I think she wore herself out; no victory song for her. Her egg is torpedo-shaped and Twice the size of Lady#1's first. Lady#3 has sang twice today with no egg. And Lady #1 hasn't laid a second egg yet... Maybe we'll get 2-3 tomorrow! This is so exciting!

Here's Ladies 1 and 2, taking a much-earned dust bath.

How exciting! If you didn't see them lay would you know which hen is producing what egg?

I got a second day second egg! Yippee! Mid morning she jumped in basket scratched around got out again. By the time I can inside and looked out window she had gotten back up and laid a tiny egg smaller then yesterday!


One on left is yesterday's, right is today's

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