First egg!

Ok. Light was decreasing until Dec 22, and is now increasing. The increasing light tells the chickens to begin to lay again (or to start). It is common for fall chicks to begin a bit later in age because of the waning then increasing light. We got several chicks (around 15 of various breeds - but no RIR or BA in that batch) in Mid-August, so they are just coming up to 24 weeks old, and they are not yet laying.
Oh okay! I honestly figured it wouldn't be until March before any of them would lay but my RIR surprised me!
Oh okay! I honestly figured it wouldn't be until March before any of them would lay but my RIR surprised me!
our lavender Ameraucana laid her first egg this week. She has laid 3 eggs in 4 days. We have two other a barred rock and cream leg bar who are same age , bright red wattles and nothing!
All of my chicks hatched August 28th. I have 14 pullets, of 10 different breeds. And at least 8 of my 14 pullets have just started laying within the past week and a half. I just got my first bluish green egg yesterday. But not sure who laid it. LOL Like you, I wasn't expecting any until spring. I got 7 eggs today, but no bluish green egg.
I have now been getting two eggs since Friday so someone else has decided to start laying as well! I got one yesterday that was much bigger than what I have been getting so I have no idea who laid that one lol I need cameras!

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