First eggs safe to eat?

I'm hoping you meant the first ones layed, lol. Poor chickies!
My wife and I ate our first pullet bullet. We fried it in butter and ate it easy over, on a slice of toasted bread with more butter. A touch of salt and pepper. It was the richest most flavorful egg that I have had since I was a child 40 years ago. I am now 47 and wonder what took me so long to raise a flock again. We did have our reservations, IDK why but we soon got over it. I am now craving eggs with my breakfast in a few short hours and only 2 eggs between us LOL. Never I hope shall I eat a store bought egg again!
we have five chickens and they are so sweet especially our barred rock hen nickname chebra she and some others are started laying sunday and we have three every day im so hapy for them im gonna eat one and test it
If you have never had chickens before, please teach yourself to wash the outside of the shell before you crack the egg.

That has been done for you already when you buy store bought eggs, so that you can take them straight out of the fridge and crack them. With your own eggs, make it your routine to wash them before cracking them.
"If you have never had chickens before, please teach yourself to wash the outside of the shell before you crack the egg. That has been done for you already when you buy store bought eggs, so that you can take them straight out of the fridge and crack them. With your own eggs, make it your routine to wash them before cracking them."

In reply to this post, you should not wash your eggs, it lessens the shelf life and makes the egg more susceptible to acquiring bacteria. Egg shells are porous and have a protective "film" on them. If you need to "wash" them, a damp paper towel will work just fine. If of course you have a very dirty egg you can wash it, just make note to use that one before the rest!
~Happy Egging :-D
Oregan Blues is advocating washing the eggs at the moment you are going to use them. " please teach yourself to wash the outside of the shell before you crack the egg.... With your own eggs, make it your routine to wash them before cracking them."

I totally agree with you, do not wash the eggs when you gather them, just using a damp cloth like you suggest for spot cleaning if neccessary.

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