First hatch of the year.

I checked up on it now and flipped the egg over. It's been clawing to get rotate or possibly get out of the egg but I think it may have ruptured the yolk sac. It's fighting and fighting to get out. I'll contact sally sunshine asap.
I took a nap after the last post and have good news. He hatched! He's walking around normally, getting his bearings. I turned the light off in the incubator room, so hopefully him and the other chick running around in there will rest or sleep for a bit.
Well, as of today, we're at 6 hatched out of 11 eggs. The remaining 5 have no pips, and no rocking. On the day 18 candling, all 11 eggs had the same level of development. Today is day 21, so we're going to give the remaining eggs a few days to try and hatch. I'm happy with 6 if that's all we get considering a lot of factors that are against this hatch:

1- It's our first hatch ever
2- I've been told silkie eggs have lower hatch rates
3- They were shipped eggs
4- The shipped when it was below 20 degrees
5- Cheap, still air incubator
6- had a very hard time keeping a consistent humidity
7- regularly fluctuated between 98 and 103 degrees.

All in all I'd say we're doing quite well so far!
Well out of 9 only five hatched. Two of the chicks had spent 10 plus days in the fridge before incubating. So we went 50/50 on the fridge eggs. Lost several eggs at various stages of the hatch. Until now we usually hatch closer to 100%. All in all not bad for the first hatch of the year
Here's several of my first batch


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