First time duck owner

Yes mine are very nervous! I just worry they aren't going to eat as they haven't yet eaten when the food has been left in the bucket but guess they would if they were hungry. How much do you feed yours? Also what is your housing set up for them? Just want to make sure I'm doing everything as best as I can for them

Mine are babies still. They are in the bath tub during the day and sleep with the chicks at night. I got a plan in my head for outside and once the weather cooperates I will work on that.

I fill a small pail and they really don't eat as much as they spill or destroy.
Maybe ask the farm what type of food they had previously and provide some of the same? New food + new bowl might be a bit scary for them, especially in a new environment. Anything familiar may help.
That is good idea I will contact them tomorrow I purchased the food from the farm so hopefully it is the same but I will check.
Mine are babies still. They are in the bath tub during the day and sleep with the chicks at night. I got a plan in my head for outside and once the weather cooperates I will work on that.

I fill a small pail and they really don't eat as much as they spill or destroy.
Think that is where it's harder for mine to settle as they are older. I have them outside in pen during the day and inside hutch at night even within secure perimeter just to be on the safe side. They have access to pool during the day, at night they have access to bowl of water and at the moment small bowl of food as they didn't eat much today, do you think that seems okay?
Think that is where it's harder for mine to settle as they are older. I have them outside in pen during the day and inside hutch at night even within secure perimeter just to be on the safe side. They have access to pool during the day, at night they have access to bowl of water and at the moment small bowl of food as they didn't eat much today, do you think that seems okay?

I don't see a problem with it. They have to settle. Mine do not have food or water at night because they would never sleep.

have you tried any treats? They have access to grit? Mine love meal worms, pasta and strawberries.
Hi :frow
Your Khaki Campbells will adjust to eating out of the food dish you provide. Ducks are extremely messy so keeping food in a container is a must as they will toss some out on their own as they eat. An adjustment time period is normal. I like to keep both food and water outside of the coop in their run. The inside is for shelter and laying purposes only, this makes the coop easier to keep clean also. Their food and water dishes are on opposite sides of the run because ducks will get a mouthful of food and dunk right into the water, or vice versa. If you are able to find out what brand food they had before you could mix the 2 and slowly wean them into the food you provide solely. Try providing some pieces of greens, lettuce, cabbage etc. They will get used to you and their new environment.
Best wishes!
I don't see a problem with it. They have to settle. Mine do not have food or water at night because they would never sleep.

have you tried any treats? They have access to grit? Mine love meal worms, pasta and strawberries.
Have tried giving them kale which they loved. Havent provided grit to them yet as they are on grass/dirt during the day.
Hi :frow
Your Khaki Campbells will adjust to eating out of the food dish you provide. Ducks are extremely messy so keeping food in a container is a must as they will toss some out on their own as they eat. An adjustment time period is normal. I like to keep both food and water outside of the coop in their run. The inside is for shelter and laying purposes only, this makes the coop easier to keep clean also. Their food and water dishes are on opposite sides of the run because ducks will get a mouthful of food and dunk right into the water, or vice versa. If you are able to find out what brand food they had before you could mix the 2 and slowly wean them into the food you provide solely. Try providing some pieces of greens, lettuce, cabbage etc. They will get used to you and their new environment.
Best wishes!
Thanks for your message. If they won't eat from the bowl should I just leave them to figure it out? Okay will keep food and water outside of their coop from now on. I have given them kale today which they seemed to enjoy. I will keep trying to get them to feed out of bowl and hope they settle soon!

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